State Bar of California California Bar Journal
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Heartfelt thanks

“Helping Katrina Victims” (January) only touched the surface when it came to recognizing the tireless work of members of the bar who have done so much for the displaced victims who have relocated to your state. 

My stepdaughter sought to attend a comparable performing arts school in California but we concluded that without a place to live and the many other accommodations needed for a transplanted high school student, there was no way she would be able to continue her arts education.

However, with the tireless work of San Diego Public Defender Sue Clemens, she and other students were able to enroll in COSA, a performing arts program in Coronado. Ms. Clemens and other attorneys not only matched these students with host families, they arranged transportation, legal documentation and supplies for those students — some arrived with nothing more than a single backpack. 

From our state of rubble here in Louisiana, we warmly thank your members of the bar for their selfless work. It has made a difference.

Missy Pierce
Mandeville, La.

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