The State Bar sections have scheduled the following events:
- Thursday, Oct. 10 - Sunday, Oct. 13: State Bar presents its Annual Meeting,
Monterey. Contact: 415/538-2508. [Up to 19 hours MCLE credit]
- Thursday, Oct. 24: State Bar Antitrust and Unfair Competition Section presents
The Tenth Annual Golden State Antitrust & Unfair Competition Law Institute and
The Twelfth Annual Antitrust Lawyer of the Year Dinner Award Dinner. Loews Santa
Monica Beach Resort. 415/538-2554. [7.25 hours MCLE credit]
- Thursday, Oct. 24 - Sunday, Oct. 27: State Bar Environmental
Law Section presents Environmental Law Conference at Yosemite, Tenaya Lodge,
Fish Camp. 415/538-2508. [12.5 hours MCLE credit]
- Friday, Nov. 1 - Sunday, Nov. 3: State Bar Taxation Section presents Annual
Meeting of the California Tax Bars, Loews Coronado. 415/538-2580. [MCLE to be
- Friday, Nov. 8 - Saturday, Nov. 9: State Bar Intellectual Property Section
presents Twenty-seventh Annual Intellectual Property Institute. 415/538-2375.
[MCLE to be determined]
- Friday, Nov. 15 - Saturday, Nov. 16: State Bar Labor and
Employment Law Section presents its Annual Meeting, Wyndham Hotel, San Jose.
415/538-2590. [MCLE to be determined]
- Friday, Jan. 17 - Monday, Jan. 20: State Bar presents Section
Education Institute, Claremont Resort and Spa, Berkeley. 415/538-2508. [MCLE
to be determined]