Group aims to preserve legal, judicial history
Staff Writer
On a warm day four years ago, a group representing the California Supreme Court
Histori-cal Society (CSCHS) descended into a dimly lit residential basement
to comb through a collection of old, dusty cartons and trunks.
What the group found were, in one appraiser's words, "lots of nuggets
for scholars." More than 100 documents, including letters describing the
1884 Democratic National Con-vention, and 112 law books that belonged to California's
14th chief justice, Niles Searls, were uncovered in the Nevada City basement
that day.
The find marked a step forward in the society's aim to recover, preserve and
promote California's judicial and legal history, with a particular emphasis
on the state's highest court.
But supporters say that a meager budget and unstable funding have long hampered
the little-known society in fulfilling its mission. So, for the first time,
California attorneys will have the option this fall of contributing to the society
through a new line item on their annual fee statement. The recommended donation
is $25.
"Contributing to the society will help ensure that the history of the
world's largest court system in the state with the country's largest bar won't
be lost to future generations," says CSCHS executive director Donna Schuele.
Last spring, at the society's urging, the State Bar's board authorized the
addition of the line item. Society president Kent Richland pointed out that
the nonprofit organization has lived a "hand-to-mouth existence" since
its creation in 1989.
Elwood |
Former appellate Justice Elwood Lui, the society's immediate past president,
told board members that he generally opposes such check-off line items on the
fee bill. But the historical society, he suggested, is "a rare exception"
whose work deserves attorney support.
Society backers say that, before its creation, no organization was devoted
solely to recovering and promoting the legal and judicial pieces of California
history. "It's like a hole in our history," Lui said recently.
By appealing to California attorneys via the fee bill, society supporters hope
to publicize the organization's existence, expand its support base to attorneys
statewide and acquire enough funding to put it on more secure footing.
As Lui sees it, the society's goal for the future is to preserve as much history
and as many artifacts and collections as possible and make them "available
to our youth."
The historical society was launched in the late 1980s after a series of meetings
that included, among others, Chief Justice Ronald George, Justice Stanley Mosk,
then-State Bar executive director Herb Rosenthal and David Long, the bar's director
of research at the time. At the time, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and
the U.S. Supreme Court already had active historical societies.
"It was ironic that the California Supreme Court, which has a rich and
illustrious history, didn't have any equivalent organization which would preserve
the history of the California Supreme Court and the California courts in general,"
recalls Long, now an attorney consultant. "There was no organization that
was devoted to educating the public about this history."
Created as a membership organization, the society has since assisted the California
Supreme Court Library in locating, processing and preserving the judicial papers
and memorabilia of various former Supreme Court justices, including those acquired
from the family of former Chief Justice Searls. And it has participated in conducting
and publishing oral interviews of various justices and legal luminaries. Currently,
it is assisting the Bancroft Library's Regional Oral History Office with additional
oral interviews.
The society also has produced a variety of publications, including an annual
scholarly law journal, newsletters and a pictorial history of California's county
courthouses. Works in progress include a collaborative book-length treatment
of the California Supreme Court's 150-year history written by nationally recognized
Other CSCHS efforts include educational programs for lawyers and receptions
providing attorneys with the opportunity to meet informally with Supreme Court
"With an increase in its financial resources and membership base, the
society would be positioned to expand its program offerings to the bench and
bar, better preserve California's judicial history, and develop more programs
for the education of the general public," Schuele said.
Membership dues currently generate roughly $20,000 a year from some 350 individuals,
mostly attorneys and judges, Schuele said. For several years, various major
law firms have also donated annually anything from $8,000 to $25,000 total.
A bequest from Bernard Witkin's estate adds another $6,000 to $20,000 a year,
depending on that year's sales of a particular publication. That dramatic fluctuation
in funding, Schuele says, has made it difficult for the society's 40-member
governing board to carry out its mission from year to year.
In addition to the CSCHS appeal for contributions, this year's fee statement
(to be mailed out this month) also continues to include line items recommending
donations to the Conference of Delegates and the Foundation of the State Bar.