Membership in the bar: Priceless
Herman |
President, State Bar of California
John Milton, Al Pacino's monstrous senior partner * in the
film The Devil's Advocate, described the license to practice law as "the
greatest backstage pass in history." Our license, however, brings us not
only opportunity but responsibility. Meaningful access to the courts means access
to a lawyer. We gatekeepers to the third branch are custodians of a public trust.
It's dues time again. This year, your license will cost $390. By contrast,
you paid $440 in 1990, $478 from 1992 through 1996 and $458 in 1997. What other
cost in your life has gone down as significantly?
For four years, we have kept dues at or below $390. In 2001, we passed on personnel
cost savings to the membership through a one-time $40 dues reduction to $345.
We have been good stewards.
California dues rank eighth among the 50 state bars. However, because of the
wide variations in bar functions, rankings do not tell the complete story. California
is a unified bar providing both discipline and member services. Non-unified
state bars only oversee regulation and discipline or only provide member services.
California is sometimes compared unfavorably to the New York State Bar Association,
a voluntary trade association, with dues at $150 per year. But New York lawyers
also pay separately for regulation and discipline by their courts. Combined,
New York's dues and fees exceed California's. The ABA and even the People's
Republic of China charges lawyers higher dues than the State Bar of California.
The State Bar oversees the only fully professional lawyer discipline system
in the United States. Mandated by the legislature responding in the late '80s
to complaints of cronyism and case backlogs, our professional discipline system
is much more costly than the old volunteer system. Dues went from $200 per member
to $440 the year of the changeover. This greater cost coupled with our higher
cost of living has pushed California artificially toward the upper range of
the list.
Of your $390 in dues, the legislature mandates per member:
- Up to $310 covering administration, member benefits, discipline and other
regulatory functions (See Bus. & Prof. Code §6140 et seq.);
- $35 toward the client security fund reimbursing up to $50,000 to clients
who have been ripped off by our few bad apples;
- $25 toward the discipline system augmentation fund;
- $10 toward the Lawyer Assistance Program, a substance abuse treatment program;
- and $10 toward the building fund.
Combined, about 68 percent of your dues dollars supports the State Bar Court
and the Office of the Chief Trial Counsel. Eighty percent, or $304, of your
dues pays for combined regulation, discipline, professional responsibility and
other mandated functions.
With dues ranging from $78 to $395 over the last six years, there are also
a number of trends affecting our long-term financial health. Membership is increasing
at a lower rate than pre-veto. Increasingly, members through dues scaling are
paying less than the full dues amount. With personnel costs at 80 percent of
our budget, employee benefits, especially insurance and employer retirement
contributions, have risen significantly. We are 12 percent understaffed and
unable to increase employee salaries. Absent increased revenues including from
non-dues sources, financial crisis is only a few years away.
So what do you get for your $390 annual dues? I can't begin to describe all
the bar does for members and the public: The JNE Commission, the LAP program,
our bar publications including the Bar Journal, consumer pamphlets, "Kids
& the Law" and "When You Become 18," the Office of Legal
Specialization, our ethics opinions and ethics hotline, continuing legal education,
special masters to handle the affairs of disabled lawyers, our committees, commissions
and taskforces supporting your practice and the profession, and our State Bar
website at Through the website, access our low cost insurance
programs, free research, our new Westlaw program and links to courts, bar associations
and the legislature. We are working hard to make the website a powerful tool
linking all of our 190,000 members.
Although voluntarily funded, we cannot forget our sections, access committees
and the Founda-tion of the State Bar.
But isn't our greatest member benefit practicing in a well-regulated profession
dedicated to ethical practice, public protection and our mission "to preserve
and improve the justice system and ensure a fair and just society under the
law?" ** When I am out on the road, our members seem
to think our backstage pass is a good deal.
Price for your first desk? $2,000. Price for court attire? $400. Price for
your first briefcase? $200. Membership in the State Bar of California? Priceless.
* Most partners agree this character is entirely fictional.
Associates tend to have a different view but they will change their minds when
they become partners and partners don't listen to them on this score anyway.
** Look for the mission statement on your bar card.