Claims against lawyers are a popular activity
Karpman |
By Diane Karpman
Litigators walk a tightrope. Clients can sue them for malpractice if they are
not aggressive enough. If they are too zealous or aggressive, defendants can
maintain retaliatory actions for malicious prosecution. That is, if there is
a favorable termination on the merits, the absence of objective legal and factual
probable cause, and subjective malice.
Overly broad statements in the complaint can result in malicious prosecution
liability, so avoid including peripheral or non-relevant parties and shotgun
pleading for every claim under the sun. Seriously evaluate threats of malicious
protection in letters. Research and document the supporting factual and legal
arguments. This is designed to provide ammunition for an eventual judgmental
immunity defense. Do not lose it in correspondence with opposing counsel. Letters
containing gratuitous ad hominem garbage could provide satisfaction of the subjective
element of malice. Recent developments in malicious prosecution cases evidence
judicial aversion to claims against lawyers, but the vast number of reported
decisions demonstrates the popularity of the action.
In the past, California lawyers could face liability for continuing to maintain
the litigation. Now, because of Swat-Fame v. Goldstein (2002) 101 Cal.
App. 4th 613, 627, "a lawyer has no liability for continuing an action
where probable cause existed at time of filing." Malicious "continuance"
of litigation seems to have vanished from the California legal landscape. Ronald
Mallen, the malpractice guru, explains that the harm is sustained at the inception
of the case, "since the emotional impact, adverse publicity, and the expense
of retaining counsel are incidents of initiating the proceeding." Legal
Malpractice (2000) Fifth Edition West Group Vol. 1, §6.14, pg 592.
At first, this may not appear to make sense in terms of pub- lic policy. Continuing
to maintain un-meritorious litigation could appear to violate Rule 3-200 (Prohibited
Objec-tives of Employment). Yet, when discovery establishes that the client
was mistaken, inaccurate or "forgetful," obviously they cannot be
abandoned in the midst of heated litigation.
Cases clearly demonstrate that the anti-SLAPP statute applies to malicious
prosecution claims. The Anti-Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation,
CCP §425.16, was originally intended to protect "tree-huggers"
against suits designed to silence them with massive litigation costs. Filing
the special motion to strike automatically stays discovery and forces the plaintiff
to demonstrate a "probability" of success.
Anti-SLAPP is a sexy statute, because functionally, it is a reverse summary
judgment, forcing plaintiffs to show their hand before any discovery is obtained.
Litigators in malicious prosecution deploy it as a weapon of mass destruction,
quickly terminating frivolous claims. As an additional bonus, it permits recovery
of attorneys' fees. Plaintiffs' lawyers asserting malicious prosecution claims
should inform their clients if they fail to prevail, they can end up paying
the costs of defending the litigation, or they could also face liability for
Trial courts now have the power to aggressively block these meritless claims
against lawyers acting in a representative capacity. Malicious prosecution claims
against lawyers are easy to file, but very hard to win.