Risk managers in boardrooms and war rooms
Karpman |
By Diane Karpman
The role of lawyers in our society expands daily into realms many of us never
anticipated. This is one reason why the purpose of the ABA Task Force on the
Model Definition of the Practice of Law might be considered slightly myopic.
Defin-ing what we do may confine us in a "box."
The Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission consider defining
the practice of law "not in the public interest." Lawyers are valued
because they "think outside the box." The practice of law widens to
meet new and continually evolving needs of society.
For example, lawyers as "legal advisors" are responsible for keeping
the "collateral damage" occurring as a result of military actions
directed against targeted enemy forces within acceptable limits. Lawyers are
risk managers whether in the boardroom or the war room. Lawyers draft the rules
of engagement; determine appropriate target selection; evaluate proper munitions;
and factor in principles involving the law of armed conflict, primarily the
Hague and Geneva conventions.
During Desert Storm, every level of command had legal advisors. Legal advisors
"scrubbed" targeting of statues of Saddam Hussein, which may have
been classified as "cultural objects." In Afghanistan, lawyers were
deployed to naval task groups, air detachments, and land and special forces.
"Decisions were impacted by legal considerations at every level, [the law
of war] proved invaluable in the decision-making process." (Gen-eral Colin
Powell, Chairman, U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Conduct of Persian Gulf War, Final
Report to Congress, April 1992.)
Military legal advisors may face some of the same ethical issues that confront
lawyers of publicly traded corporations (Enron et al.), that challenge health
care lawyers when dealing with illegal referrals, and that governmental lawyers
often encoun-ter. These military advisors may be forced to counsel their commanders
that their conduct fails to comply with the rules of engagement, just as the
corporate lawyer might have to advise the CEO to restate the corporate earnings.
During the mental acrobatics of applying the law to our clients' beha-vior,
analyzing competing strategies and evaluating the worse case scenario, we sometimes
forget that our clients may want us to curb their enthusiasm and to provide
obstacles. Sometimes clients suggest the outrageous or idly speculate "what
if," in order for us to be their legal compass. Other times they refuse
to heed our level-headed advice.
"Collateral damage" is not unique to war. It can occur in the corporate
environment or in a family. Lawyers facing a client who is bound and de-termined
to select the wrong course of conduct may be forced to withdraw. When presidential
advisors depart, this is often labeled as "wanting to spend more time with
the family."
This is intended as neither an en-dorsement nor a condemnation of war. I don't
have a clue how you would withdraw during a military engagement considering
issues involving the chain of command on a desert somewhere outside of Baghdad.
However, I know our citizen soldiers and law-yer soldiers are doing the best
job they can.