Supreme Court rules IOLTA is constitutional
Staff Writer
In "very tough" fiscal times, California legal services providers got some
good news recently when the U.S. Supreme Court narrowly rejected a challenge
to the way in which state IOLTA programs collect and distribute millions of
dollars in legal services funding each year for the nation's poor.
"It's a wonderful decision for us," said Gary Smith, executive director of
Legal Services of Northern California, which provides legal aid in 23 counties
with the help of an IOLTA grant. "The (IOLTA) program is extremely important
to our ability to provide access to justice to the poorest folks in our service
In a 5-to-4 decision in Brown v. Legal Foundation of Washington, the
Supreme Court recently ruled that the method of collecting funds for the IOLTA
(Interest on Lawyers' Trust Accounts) program does not amount to an unconstitutional
"taking" of clients' money. As in California and all other states, the Washington
program pools funds held briefly in trust by attorneys for their clients and
then distributes the earned interest in grants to legal services programs.
"This money is extremely important, particularly right now because programs
are seeing their income from many sources decline," said Judy Garlow, director
of California's Legal Services Trust Fund Program. "Foundations have less money
to give, as do local governments. And the economy is affecting contributions."
Even the IOLTA grants - which fluctuate with interest rates have shrunk in
California from a high of $22 million in 1990 to $7.5 million this year. In
the last two years alone, California's legislatively created IOLTA program
which has distributed some $250 million in two decades has seen a 44 percent
reduction in its grants.
In the recent Brown decision, the Supreme Court disagreed with claims that
Washington's IOLTA program violates the Fifth Amendment by taking private property
without "just compensation."
Justice Stevens |
Writing for the majority, Justice John Paul Stevens noted that the Fifth Amendment
confirms the state's authority to confiscate private property for a "public
use" as long as "just compensation" is made to the owner. Even if "there may
be occasional misuses of IOLTA funds," he wrote, "the overall, dramatic success
of these programs in serving the compelling interest in providing legal services
to literally millions of needy Americans" certainly qualifies as a "public use."
And while "just compensation" might apply, Stevens concluded, none was due.
"Just compensation," he pointed out, "is measured by the property owner's loss
rather than the government's gain" and the net loss in this instance is zero.
The transaction costs of depositing funds into individual accounts for brief
periods would wipe out any benefits. Justices Sandra Day O’Connor, David H.
Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen G. Breyer agreed.
In a dissenting opinion, however, Justice Antonin Scalia characterized IOLTA
program methods as a "Robin Hood taking" in which the government's "extraction
of wealth" is so "cleverly achieved" and the object is "so highly favored by
the courts (taking from the rich to give to indigent defendants) that the normal
rules of the Constitution protecting private property are suspended."
And in a separate dissent, Justice Anthony M. Kennedy noted that the First
Amendment consequences had not been addressed. But, he wrote, "the potential
for serious violation is there."
The ruling capped a decade-long dispute in which a conservative legal group,
the Washington Legal Foundation, has argued that IOLTA programs violate private
property and other rights.
An earlier challenge to the IOLTA program in Texas reached the U.S. Supreme
Court five years ago. In that case, the high court concluded that the interest
generated from an IOLTA account is the clients' property. The court did not,
however, rule on the constitutionality of channeling such funds into legal services
Prior to the Brown decision with the case looming as a potential threat to
such funds - 50 chief justices, 36 attorneys general, on behalf of their states,
and the American Bar Association all filed briefs in defense of the IOLTA program.
Last year alone, legal services programs across the country received some $160
million in IOLTA funding. And legal services providers in California, among
others, say they depend on such funds to provide assistance to elderly victims
of predatory lenders, battered women, families facing homelessness and others
who have nowhere else to turn.
Just ask Bruce Iwasaki, executive director of the Legal Aid Foundation of Los
Angeles. His program currently receives roughly $500,000 a year in IOLTA funding
the cost of 10 to 12 full-time advocates for the poor. "If we don't have those
advocates, it means turning away more people," he said. "Hundreds, if not thousands,
could lose out."
At Legal Services of Northern California, the loss of IOLTA grant money - currently
$326,000 a year - would mean a "significant" cut in core legal services and
attorney lay-offs in already under-staffed rural offices, Smith said.
And direct legal services are not all that could be lost, he suggested. "We
have done a tremendous amount of innovative work in the past few years in economic
and development work, which is lifting whole neighborhoods and communities out
of poverty," he said, "and we are able to do that, in part, with IOLTA funding."