If I'm elected bar president . . .
Capozzi |
District 5 Representative
With a board of public and lawyer members that is diverse in both thought and
deed, we have made great strides in pursuing our mission.
I have experienced first-hand the quantity and quality of work that go into
the planning process. We must insure that our governance model is institutionalized
and effectively and efficiently operated. By working within its structure and
processes, we can establish a foundation to build a sense of continuity and
security for the public, our stakeholders and our members.
In developing our goals and objectives, it is important to include our stakeholders,
both internal and external, throughout the entire process.
In my experiences as president of the Fresno County Bar Association and the
Federal Bar Association for the San Joaquin Valley, I noted a significant disconnect
with the State Bar. We need to better connect with our members, be sensitive
to their needs, improve the image of lawyers and be a resource for our stakeholders
and members.
Our commitment to the public must be steadfast. We need to increase access
to the judicial system for all segments of our society, regardless of gender,
race, creed, color, sexual preference, age or economic standing.
We must insure that the public is protected and vigorously pursue and discipline
those lawyers who harm them. We have incorporated a supportive approach to dealing
with substance abuse and mental health issues facing attorneys. We should continue
to be a safety net for practitioners who need assistance. We should also examine
and adopt ways to improve our efficiency at handling complaints against lawyers
and intervening at the earliest possible time to protect the public.
The Client Security Fund has performed exceedingly well, but we should examine
an increase in the amount allowed for recovery of injured parties and look at
improving our collection process. The Lawyers Assistance Program has been an
effective program and must be promoted and utilized by attorneys in need.
We must insure our financial viability. Our Non-Dues Revenue Sub-Committee
has been resourceful in proposing solutions to increase our revenues without
proposing major increases to our member dues structure.
It is important that we make a concerted effort to establish and foster strong,
enduring relationships with the judiciary, the legislature and the governor
to fashion and sup- port an adequate, multi-year dues bill.
I will be a leader who will work with our board to produce an efficient and
effective State Bar that will serve the public, the profession and our membership
It would be an honor and a privilege to serve as your president.