The State Bar sections have scheduled the following events:
- Friday, November 7: State Bar International
Law Section presents Structuring and Operating Business Ventures in the Middle
Kingdom: Legal Strategies for Success in China, Westin Hotel, Palo Alto. 415-538-2380.
[8 hours MCLE credit]
- Friday, November 7 – Saturday, November
8: State Bar Intellectual Property Law Section presents 28th Annual
Intellectual Property Institute, Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco. 415-538-2375.
[8 hours MCLE credit]
- Friday, November 7 – Saturday, November
8: State Bar Taxation Section presents 2003 Annual Meeting of the California
Tax Bars, Westin St. Francis, San Francisco. 415-538-2580. [Up to 14.5 hours
MCLE credit]
- Saturday, December 6: State Bar Labor
and Employment Law Section presents Labor and Employment Law for Managers
and Legal Advisors of Small Non-Profits, Golden Gate University, 536 Mission
St., San Francisco. 415-538-2590. [3.5 hours MCLE credit]
- Friday, January 23 – Sunday, January 25:
State Bar Section Education Institute, Loews Santa Monica Beach Resort. 415-538-2210.
[Up to 17 hours MCLE credit]
- Saturday, January 17: State Bar Taxation
Section presents 2004 Estate and Gift Tax Conference, Hyatt Regency, San Francisco.
415-538-2580. [MCLE to be determined]
- Friday, January 23 – Sunday, January 25:
State Bar Section Education Institute, Loews Santa Monica Beach Resort. 415-538-2210.
[Up to 17 hours MCLE credit] MCLE credit]