An opportunity for generosity
President, State Bar of California
Capozzi |
Throughout history, indeed even in the present, it is safe to say that the
image and the reality of lawyers are quite far apart. I intend to travel throughout
California to tell the "good lawyer" stories.
One of these has been a well-kept secret: Lawyers make a tremendous difference
in many people's lives, simply through their willingness to donate.
We need to look no further than our own State Bar. On each member's fee statement,
there are several opportunities to make this difference. And every year, our
members respond, ensuring the continuation of vital programs that are not funded
by any of our mandatory dues.
For instance, over the past two years, our members voluntarily contributed
more than a million dollars to the Foundation of the State Bar of California.
This generosity translates into some invaluable assistance. Each year, more
than 40 aspiring lawyers who are strong academically and demonstrate a commitment
to public service receive scholarships ranging from $2,500 to $7,500.
Contributions to the foundation also provide grants for a variety of access
to justice programs, from youth education, to helping domestic violence victims,
to counseling the elderly on their legal rights.
I recently attended the Legal Heritage Institute in Sacramento, where foundation
contributions are used to bring high school students together to learn about
law, law-making and the vital work that goes on at the Capitol all from the
people who do that work, our legislators and the staff for the state government.
One of the most visible contributions from the foundation is its support of
our public education program, which includes three popular consumer guides:
& the Law: An A-to-Z Guide for Parents, When
You Become 18: A Survival Guide for Teenagers and Seniors
& the Law: A Guide for Maturing Californians.
With foundation contributions, we have been able to print and distribute more
than 2 million of these three guides over the past three years.
In this past year alone, we held 21 public forums around the state, where more
than 2,500 seniors received personal assistance from lawyers and legal services
specialists on problems specific to our aging population.
We printed 1.2 million copies of Seniors & the Law, in English, Spanish and
Chinese, and have reached at least a quarter of the 4.6 million Californians
who are 60 or older.
The State Bar Foundation played a tremendous role in this effort, mostly through
the contributions it received from you, our members, on the fee statement.
Lawyers also may make donations on the fee statement to the new Conference
of Delegates of California Bar Associations. The conference is now an independent
association paid for totally by voluntary money. This generous support allows
the new conference to continue its invaluable debate on prospective legislation
and to make recommendations for improvements statewide.
Another opportunity to contribute to the betterment of our profession and society
is the line item to donate money to our elimination of bias fund.
Lawyers have been exceedingly generous, ensuring the development and continuation
of programs, most notably the work of our access to justice committees, to open
doors for people of all backgrounds, working toward a more representative body
of lawyers in our bar membership.
The annual dues statement also allows members to support the California Supreme
Court Historical Society, whose aim is to recover, preserve and promote California's
judicial and legal history with a particular emphasis on the state's highest
Your support of this important organization insures that our legal history
not only is preserved, but that generations beyond us will have access to the
treasure trove of court history in California. Our dues have remained the same
since 2000 and they currently stand at $87 less than in the mid-1990s. We stand
committed to keep our dues as low as possible.
These options are before you now, with each of these check-off lines on your
current dues statement. We belong to an honorable profession that has done much
for society.
I am confident that we will continue with our generosity as each of these programs
moves forward with its irreplaceable work on behalf of all Californians.