Dog bite Award: $50,000
A man was bitten on the nose by a neighbor's dog that entered his yard and
started a fight with his dog (Everett v. Wyckoff, San Diego County Superior
Bad faith Award: 625,834
A general contractor and the owner of low-income housing sued 13 insurance
carriers for bad faith failure to defend and indemnify in a construction defect
lawsuit (Rio Vista Associates v. First Financial Insurance Co., Los Angeles
County Superior Court).
Student killed Award: Defense
A young boy ran away from a group home and was killed attempting to cross a
highway (Booth v. Correa, Los Angeles County Superior Court).
Worker run over Award: $2,175,000
An employee unloading furniture was permanently disabled when the truck backed
over him (Doe Pedestrian v. Roe Moving Co., Los Angeles County Superior Court).
Fatal horse kick Award: $300,000
A man was kicked to death by his son's horse (Sanchez v. Sanchez, San Bernardino
County Superior Court).
Lacerated spleen Award: Defense
A civilian driver was injured when a police car responding to an emergency
collided with his vehicle (Robinson v. Henderson, San Diego County Superior
Sexual harassment Award: $3,400,000
Three female police officers sued the City of Glendale for sexual harassment
(Frieders v. City of Glendale, Los Angeles County Superior Court)
Football fraud Award: $34,203,135
The Oakland Raiders accused the Oakland Coliseum of misrepresenting ticket
sales (Oakland Raiders v. Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum Inc., Sacramento
County Superior Court).
Cerebral palsy Award: $5,038,000
An infant was born with cerebral palsy as a result of the failure to timely
intervene when the mother's labor arrested (Nunez v. Newman, Santa Clara
County Superior Court).
Spooked horse Award: $988,038
A horse ran wild through a crowd of people at a school reunion adjacent to
a horse show (Rayburn v. 17th District Agricultural Association, Sacramento
County Superior Court)
Editor's Note: California Bar Journal publishes this abbreviated summary of important trials in California provided by Trials Digest Publishing Inc. For a free, complete trial report on any case listed, call 510-420-1800.