The State Bar sections have scheduled the following events:
- Thursday, May 13 – Saturday, May 15: State Bar Business Law
Section and California Bankers Association present Joint Business Law Section
Spring Meeting and the CBA Bank Counsel Seminar, Hyatt Huntington Beach.
415-538-2570. [Up to 13.5 hours MCLE credit]
- Friday, May 14: State Bar Solo and Small Firm Section presents Solo
Day 2004: One Stop Shopping for Specialty Credits, Century Plaza Hotel,
Century City. 415-538-2350. [6 hours MCLE credit]
- Saturday, May 15: State Bar Solo and Small Firm Section presents
Solo Day 2004: One Stop Shopping for Specialty Credits, SFO Airport
Westin, San Francisco. 415-538-2350. [6 hours MCLE credit]
- Monday, May 17: State Bar Real Property Law Section, Natural Resources
Subsection presents Groundwater Models Program, Omni Hotel, Los Angeles.
415-538-2564. [1 hour MCLE credit]
- Thursday, May 20 – Friday, May 21: State Bar Intellectual
Property Law Section presents Intellectual Property Litigation Issues for
In-House Counsel, Wyndham Hotel, San Diego. 415-538-2375. [Up to 11 hours
MCLE credit]
- Saturday, May 22: State Bar Workers’ Compensation Section
presents Spring Education Conference, The Inn at Morro Bay. 415-538-2256.
[6 hours MCLE credit]
- Thursday, May 27: State Bar Real Property Section presents What
Every Real Estate Lawyer Must Know About Insurance, State Bar offices,
Los Angeles. 415-538-2564. [1 hour MCLE credit]
- Friday, June 4: State Bar Trusts and Estates Section presents Preparation
of the Form 706, Hyatt Regency San Francisco. 415-538-2206. [7.5 hours
MCLE credit]
- Saturday, June 5: State Bar Workers’ Compensation Section
presents Summer Education Conference, Hilton Universal City. 415-538-2256.
[6 hours MCLE credit]
- Wednesday, June 9: State Bar International Law Section and British
American Business Council present Doing Business in the Expanded European
Union, Los Angeles Center Studios. 415-538-2380. [4 hours MCLE credit]
- Saturday, June 12: State Bar Workers’ Compensation Section
presents Summer Education Conference, Marriott Hotel at SFO. 415-538-2256.
[6 hours MCLE credit]
- Friday, June 25: State Bar Environmental Law Section presents 2004
Private Enforcement Program: Private Enforcement of Environmental Law,
Elihu Harris Building, Oakland. 415-538-2582. [6 hours MCLE credit]