The State Bar sections have scheduled the following events:
- Thursday, Sept. 9: State Bar Law Practice Management and Technology
Section presents LPMT First Annual MCLE Conference, Piccadilly Inn West, Fresno.
415-538-2520. [6 hours MCLE credit]
- Friday, Sept. 10: State Bar Environmental Law Section presents Your Voice:
The Public’s Role in Environmental Decision-Making, Ronald Reagan State
Building, Los Angeles. 415-538-2582. [Up to 3 hours MCLE credit]
- Saturday, Sept. 11: State Bar Labor and Employment Law Section presents
Employment Law for Managers of Small Non-Profits and Their Legal Advisors,
Southwestern University School of Law. 415-538-2590. [3.5 hours MCLE credit]
- Thursday, Oct. 7 – Sunday, Oct. 10: State Bar presents 2004 Annual
Meeting, Monterey. 415-538-2508. [Up to 20 hours MCLE credit]
- Thursday, Oct. 21 – Sunday, Oct. 24: State Bar Environmental Law
Section presents 2004 Environmental Law Conference at Yosemite, Tenaya Lodge,
Fish Camp. 415-538-2582. [Up to 12.5 hours MCLE credit]
- Thursday, Oct. 21: State Bar Antitrust and Unfair Competition Section presents
Golden State Antitrust and Unfair Competition Institute and Lawyer of the
Year Award, Century Plaza, Los Angeles. 415-538-2554. [7.5 hours MCLE credit]
- Tuesday, Oct. 26: State Bar Real Property Law Section presents Asset Protection
Strategies for Real Estate Investors — Beyond LLCs, State Bar offices,
San Francisco. 415-538-2564. [1 hour MCLE credit]
- Thursday, Oct. 28: State Bar International Law Section presents Alien Tort
Claims Act (ATCA) Program, UCLA. 415-538-2380. [MCLE to be determined]