Let’s make jurors paid professionals
By William Berryhill
Berryhill |
Riverside attorney Joseph Cavallo is paying jurors from a first, deadlocked
trial to act as consultants during a retrial. Is his payment of jurors really
an attack on our jury system? If so, what’s wrong with the system? Maybe
it should be reformed. Maybe it should be abolished altogether. Think about
The genesis of our jury system is by no means certain. It first attained systematic
development in England. Its basic principle may have been introduced by Anglo-Saxons
or Norsemen, borrowed from the Gaelic-Romans or developed from native Celtic
It matters little to whom we are indebted. What matters is that during the
last 500 years or so, its development is tilting in the wrong direction and
today it is not so well adapted to secure justice between persons as it was
when Henry II permitted cowards to decline trial by combat for that by “assize.”
In olden times, the jury was composed of witnesses, selected from citizens
of the neighborhood who knew most about the causes they were called upon to
decide, and who might refuse to consider the testimony of any or all other witnesses.
Now, instead of selecting those who know most about the trial, we select those
who know the least.
Instead of “forcing the assize” by getting “twelve good men
and true” (excuse the sexist slant, but that is the historical language
used to perpetuate the theory) who will agree of their own accord, we now pump
law into them they cannot comprehend, saturate them with testimony they are
unable to remember and allow lawyers to dazzle them with sophistry to drive
out what little law and evidence they might have retained.
Then we lock them up to deliberate to arrive at a verdict.
In simple cases where the law is plain and explicit, 12 people possessing some
personal knowledge of the facts may be expected to render a righteous verdict.
But what can be expected of a jury, gathered by chance, where testimony is
conflicting, the interests involved are intricate, the law ambiguous and the
attorneys able to obscure?
The fact is, our society is becoming too complex for the present jury system.
Maybe we should find a substitute. If a nation is composed of a few people,
they can all assemble in council and make laws. But when they become too numerous,
and national interests complex, pure democracy must give way to representative
If we can trust delegates to make our laws, why can’t we trust delegates
to enforce them? Why not elect our jurors and pay them as we do judges and legislators?
Also, there is no magic in the number 12. Five or seven would do just as well.
Why not adopt majority rule in reaching a verdict and make each juror’s
vote a matter of record?
Thus we could secure the services of people with some qualifications for the
work, fix responsibility for verdicts and save the general public a great deal
of worry and time.
It would be cheaper to taxpayers. Trials would be briefer, fewer witnesses
would testify and the lawyers would soon learn it to be a waste of time to pontificate
and posture.
While a bench full of trained and qualified judges might be the best tribunal,
if we must retain the jury system, then why not divide the labor and delegate
to jurors some of the responsibility?
Maybe we should put people in the jury box who freely accept the service instead
of those who are compelled to serve out of fear of fine and punishment.
William Berryhill retired as senior vice president and senior attorney
for the former California Federal Savings and Loan. He now resides in Henderson,