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Legal specialist exam scheduled Aug. 14

The Legal Specialist Examination will be administered Aug. 14 in San Francisco and Los Angeles for lawyers interested in enhancing their practice by becoming a specialist in one of eight areas of law. The deadline to apply is July 1.

In order to become certified in a particular area, an attorney must pass the exam, demonstrate a high level of experience in the specialty field, fulfill ongoing education requirements and be favorably evaluated by other lawyers and judges familiar with their work.

Attorneys may become specialists in appellate; bankruptcy; criminal; estate planning, trust and probate law; family; immigration and nationality; taxation; and workers’ compensation law.

Information about the exam is available at or by calling 415-538-2120 or e-mailing

Nominees sought for 2006 JNE Commission seats

The State Bar is seeking active lawyers, former members of the judiciary and members of the public who are interested in serving on the 2006 Commission on Judicial Nominees Evaluation (JNE Commission). The application deadline is June 1.

The JNE Commission evaluates all candidates who are under consideration for a judicial appointment by the governor. Its members represent a broad cross-section of California’s diverse legal profession and general population. Appointed by the State Bar Board of Governors, the volunteer commission cannot nominate or appoint judges; it does, however, thoroughly investigate candidates for judicial appointment while maintaining a code of strict confidentiality. Commissioners serve terms of approximately one year and may serve up to three consecutive terms.  

Information on the commission, qualifications and time commitment, and the application form, are available at (select links to Attorney Resources/Committees and Commissions/Other Entity Appointments) or from the Appointments Office, State Bar of California, 180 Howard St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1639, 415-538-2299; fax 415-538-2255.

The board of governors will make the appointments at its July meeting. Terms begin Feb. 1, 2006.

Five seats open on State Bar Board of Governors

Ballots for voting in both the State Bar Board of Governors and California Young Lawyers Association board elections were mailed April 29. Five seats are open in each election. Ballots must be returned by June 30.

Any active bar member who maintains his or her principal office for the practice of law in a bar district in which there is an opening is eligible to vote. The openings are in District 4 (Marin and San Francisco counties), District 6 (Riverside, San Bernardino, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura counties), District 7 (Los Angeles offices 1 and 2) and District 8 (Orange County).

Excerpts of the biographical statements submitted by the board of governors candidates begin on page 1. Complete information is available at Questions about ballots may be directed to

Calling all artists

Members of the California bench and bar who draw, sculpt, work in ceramics or photography are invited to participate in the 53rd Annual Meeting Bench and Bar Art Exhibit. The art work will be displayed in the San Diego Convention Center during the meeting, Sept. 8-11.

Awards will be given in these categories: oils and acrylics, portraits and figures, watercolors, prints, drawings, mixed media, ceramics, sculpture and photography. Art show rules and entry blanks can be downloaded from, or obtained by calling Cheryl Morgan at 415-538-2210. All entries must be submitted by Aug. 1.

Attorney applicants sought for legal services board

The State Bar is seeking applications from attorneys interested in serving on the board of directors for Legal Services of Northern California (LSNC) for three-year positions in Yolo and Sacramento counties. Applicants must practice or reside in the county or region where the vacancy occurs. The application deadline is May 23.

LSNC provides legal assistance to low-income residents of 23 northern California counties.

Interested attorneys should apply by letter and include a resume outlining work experience, community activity, educational background and bar number. Send materials to Chris Zupanovich, State Bar of California, 180 Howard St., San Francisco, CA 94105. Questions may be directed to 415-538-2534 or

Access and fairness survey continues

In an effort to determine the kinds of challenges faced by women, minorities, older or gay attorneys in California, an online survey of those groups continues until Aug. 1. The Access & Fairness survey seeks information similar to that elicited in a poll of attorneys with disabilities.

The new survey can be accessed at and will seek basic demographic information and ask participants to provide feedback on their experiences in law school, with the bar exam, in seeking employment, practicing before the courts and on opportunities for advancement in the profession.

No mandatory dues were used to fund the survey. For further information, contact Patricia Lee at 415-538-2240 or

Opt out of list sales

Attorneys who wish to remove their names from lists the State Bar provides to qualified outside entities may do so by logging on to Member Login at After registering with My State Bar Profile, go to “Account Information” and select “Update my mailing preferences (opt out).”

Members also may e-mail their opt out request to Include your bar number.

The bar has a policy under which members’ names are provided at cost to a restricted list of outside entities that meet certain criteria. The names are provided for a one-time use to, among others, MCLE providers, the Foundation of the State Bar, local bars and bar-approved insurance providers.

Ordering bar publications

In addition to When You Become 18, featured on page 1, the State Bar offers two other consumer guides: Kids & the Law: An A-Z Guide for Parents (in English, Spanish, Chinese and Korean) and Seniors & the Law: A Guide for Maturing Californians (in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Tagalog and Vietnamese).

For Kids, order at For Seniors, send your order to

If you do not have Internet access, call toll-free 1-888-875-LAWS for a regular U.S. Postal Service mailing address to send your request.

The bar also offers 21 consumer information pamphlets on subjects ranging from domestic violence to estate planning to jury duty (see p. 1). A complete list of the bar’s educational materials and ordering instructions can be found at the consumer information site at

Jury poster available

The State Bar is offering a black and white poster, 24 inches wide by 11 inches high, made from the photo below, called “A Jury of My Peers?” It is available for $10; checks should be made payable to the State Bar of California and sent to Office of Media and Information Services, Attn: Jury Service Poster, 180 Howard St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1639.

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