When You Become 18 updated and translated
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Your kid is 18 now: Does she need her own car insurance? Can he buy beer for
himself and his friends? If she drinks but doesn’t drive, can her license
be taken away? Does he need his own Social Security number to get a job?
The answers to these and many other questions may be found in the State Bar’s
revised version of When You Become 18: A Survival Guide for Teenagers,
included in this issue of the California Bar Journal.
Last printed in 2002, When You Become 18 is a comprehensive guide for
all teenagers as they prepare to turn 18 and become an adult in the eyes of
the law. Question-and-answer discussions include drugs, drinking, driving, sex,
credit, identity theft and myriad other rules and responsibilities that affect
teens as they prepare for adulthood.
“When You Become 18 provides teenagers with an excellent resource guide
to learn about laws that will affect them as they reach the adult age of 18,”
said State Bar President John Van de Kamp. “The guide also serves as a
tool for parents to help their teenagers learn about appropriate behavior in
different circumstances.”
When You Become 18 is the second guide of a three-part series published
by the State Bar. The first, Kids & the Law: An A-to-Z Guide for Parents,
was last published in 2004. The third, Seniors & the Law: A Guide for
Maturing Californians, was published for the first time in 2003 and will
appear again in 2006.
Each guide is revised and re-released every three years on Law Day (May 1),
all with monetary support from the Foundation of the State Bar. The new version
of When You Become 18 debuted late last month in Sacramento at the California
State Parent-Teacher Association annual convention. The PTA has been a major
distributor of both Kids & the Law and When You Become 18
to public school systems throughout the state.
“With the generous support of California’s lawyers and our corporate
sponsors, the Foundation of the State Bar invests in California communities
through its grant, scholarship and education programs,” said foundation
President Pauline Weaver. Noting that the foundation provided $50,000 to help
pay for When You Become 18 this year, Weaver said her board is “proud
to partner with the State Bar to educate young adults about their rights and
responsibilities under the law.”
When You Become 18 is one of the State Bar’s “most successful programs
in providing valuable legal information to the public,” said bar Executive
Director Judy Johnson. She noted that in addition to When You Become 18,
Kids & the Law and Seniors & the Law, the State Bar also
produces a series of 21 popular consumer information pamphlets in the Get the
Legal Facts of Life series, many in translated versions. The newest pamphlet,
What Should I Know About Serving on a Jury?, also is being released this month
(see page 1 for details).
“We hope lawyers who are parents and are receiving When You Become
18 in this Bar Journal will share this vital information with all the teenagers
in their lives,” said Johnson, who added that she hopes lawyers who no
longer have teenagers at home or in college will pass on their copy to colleagues
who are parents, local libraries or any other individual or organization who
can benefit from this information.
Some of the questions answered in the booklet include:
- MILITARY SERVICE — Am I required to register? How do I register? Can
I enlist? If the draft were reinstated, who would be called first?
- SURFING THE INTERNET — Is downloading pictures or music against the
law? Is it safe to give out personal information online? Can my boss monitor
my e-mails?
- VOTING — Who can vote? Where do I register? If I’m away at college,
can I vote there?
- ALCOHOL AND DRUGS — Am I allowed to buy alcohol? What can happen if
I am arrested for drug possession? Is it against the law to use someone else’s
prescription? Am I breaking the law if I use steroids?
- MARRIAGE AND PARTNERSHIPS — What is community property? What is a
prenuptial agreement? Does my new spouse have to support me? Can same-sex
couples get married?
- DRIVING — Do I need my own insurance? What could happen if I drink
and drive? Do I need a license to ride a bicycle?
- MOVING OUT — What if I don’t pay my rent on time? Must a lease
be written? Should I get renter’s insurance?
- HAVING FUN — What can I do if strangers crash my party? Are there
limits on a college fraternity initiation? What can happen if I’m caught
spray-painting graffiti? Do I need a license to fish?
In addition to print copies, all of the State Bar’s consumer education
materials are available online at www.calbar.ca.gov.
Click on Public Services in the upper left of the home page, then Consumer Information
in the left menu.
Orders for When You Become 18 should be sent to 18@calbar.ca.
gov. The publication is available in English, Spanish, Chinese and Korean,
and all copies are free. Please specify the number of guides (there are no restrictions
on amounts) and language versions desired and include a complete mailing address
(P.O. boxes are not acceptable).
While shipping charges also are free, contributions
are always acceptable, especially for large orders.
If you do not have access
to the Internet, please call toll-free 1-888-875-LAWS for a regular U.S. Postal
Service mailing address to send your request. See p. 13 for information about
other guides.