Truck rollover Award: $3,050,000 A 35-year-old driver was rendered a quadriplegic when her pickup plunged down
a steep embankment that was not protected by a guardrail, resulting in a rollover
in which her neck was crushed by the roof of the vehicle (Rivera v. Ford
Motor Co., Alameda County Superior Court). Boat accident Award: $5,500,000 A 65-year-old woman was crushed to death between a shuttle boat and a houseboat
at a marina (Lindblad v. Fun-Time Full-Time Inc., Butte County Superior
Court). Head-on collision Award: $7,750,000 A mother and daughter sustained severe injuries when their vehicle was struck
head-on by a drunk driver who crossed the center line into their lane (Smith
v. Vista Verde Farms, Fresno County Superior Court). Breast reduction Award: Defense A 39-year-old breast reduction surgical patient alleged that the procedure
resulted in excessive scarring (Salim v. Halls, San Diego County Superior
Court). Elevator shaft fall Award: $10,563,862 A 45-year-old construction superintendent sustained permanently disabling
injuries when he slipped and fell into an unguarded elevator pit (Scott
v. Richter & Rather Contracting Corp., San Francisco County Superior
Court). Vehicle fatality Award: $6,000,000 A 39-year-old wife and mother was killed in a collision with a commercial
truck that pulled out in front of her vehicle (Thompson v. Ferguson Enterprises
Inc., Riverside County Superior Court). Pedestrian struck Award: $790,000 A pedestrian was injured when she was struck by a vehicle while crossing the
street in a crosswalk (Albarracin v. Yim, Los Angeles County Superior
Court). Waste management Award: $22,402,759 A waste management company sued the City of Compton for terminating a franchise
agreement; the city successfully cross-complained for return of monies paid
after discovering that the company’s owner was convicted of attempted
bribery (Hub City Solid Waste Services Inc. v. City of Compton, Los
Angeles County Superior Court). Sexual harassment Award: Defense A female systems analyst alleged that she was terminated from her job with
PG&E after filing complaints regarding sexual harassment against several
employees (Atienza v. Pacific Gas and Electric Co., San Francisco County
Superior Court).
Editor's Note: California Bar Journal publishes this abbreviated summary of important trials in California provided by Trials Digest, a Thomson West business. To report your case results, go to or call 415-344-6000.