Rubin reappointed a public member of State Bar board
Rubin |
Richard Rubin, a lobbyist and community activist from northern California,
was reappointed a public member of the State Bar Board of Governors by the
state Senate Rules Committee. He is one of six public members.
Since 1987, Rubin has been president of Richard A. Rubin Associates, a government
relations and public policy management firm in San Francisco. He has more than
three decades of experience in business, government affairs, public policy
management, strategic planning and law.
Rubin was first appointed to the bar board by the rules committee in December
2004. His new term will run until Sept. 1, 2010.
He is a longtime community activist in Marin County and currently serves as
president of the Berkeley Repertory Theatre. He also was appointed in May by
Gov. Schwarzenegger to the California Workforce Investment Board.
Rubin earned a law degree from George Washington University but has not practiced
law and is not a member of the California bar. He teaches at the University
of San Francisco, the U.C. Berkeley Extension and Golden Gate University.