Judicial Council, ABA House need volunteers
The State Bar is seeking applicants for two positions on the Judicial Council
and six positions in the ABA House of Delegates. The deadline for applications
is Feb. 1.
The three-year Judicial Council positions begin Sept. 15. Meetings are held
six to seven times a year with an annual time commitment of about 300 hours,
and members are reimbursed for travel. In making the appointments, the board
of governors will consider applicants' leadership skills and ability to represent
the lawyer perspective on the council.
The terms of six State Bar delegates to the ABA House of Delegates expire
next August. Delegates serve two-year terms and may serve three consecutive
terms. Eligible incumbents may apply for reappointment.
Each bar delegate must be an ABA member in good standing and is expected to
attend ABA midyear and annual meetings and pay their own travel expenses. Consideration
will be given to each applicant's qualifications, attendance at meetings, participation
in ABA activities in the past two years and familiarity with issues before
the house.
Applications must be submitted to the bar's appointments office at 180 Howard
St., San Francisco, CA 94105, or by fax to 415-538-2255. Further information
is online at calbar.ca.gov by selecting links to Committees and Commissions
and Other Entity Appointments.
Questions may be directed to 415-538-2318.