Turning around the tragedy of foster care
By Kristina Horton Flaherty
Staff Writer
By age 8, Patricia McKee had no place to call home. Her father had committed
suicide. Her mother spent the rent money on drugs and got the family evicted.
And after years of hunger and neglect, McKee was bounced around San Diego County
to 23 different foster care placements and 14 schools.
(Click to Enlarge) |
But throughout the turbulent years, she could count on one person — Nancy
Rosenberger, her court appointed special advocate (CASA) — for support,
guidance and help navigating the system.
Now McKee, at 18, is beating the odds. After “aging out” of the
system, she moved into her own apartment, got a job at a bakery and began her
first year of college on scholarships. She could not have done it, she says,
without Rosenberger.
“There were times when I didn’t care about me, but she did,” McKee
said. “She will be there when I get married. She will be there when I
have children. Most people have their dad walk them down the aisle; I will
have Nancy.”
For many foster youth, the picture is much different. Some 65 percent have
nowhere to live when they age out of the system. Fewer than half graduate from
high school. And while 70 percent of emancipating teens say they would like
to go to college, less than 3 percent actually do. They suffer post-traumatic
stress disorder at twice the rate of U.S. war veterans. Too many — lacking
education, life skills and money — wind up homeless or in trouble with
no one to call for help, advocates say.
It is a disturbing picture that has captured the public spotlight in recent
years, triggering scrutiny, new legislation and innovative initiatives. The
California Young Lawyers Association (CYLA) has just joined the growing effort
to turn the statistics around.
Launching “Young Lawyers for Youth,” CYLA has begun recruiting
young lawyer volunteers for two programs — one in San Diego, the other
in San Rafael. In San Diego, volunteers will handle immigration and special
education cases through the Foster Youth Advocacy Project at the San Diego
Volunteer Lawyer Program (SDVLP). In San Rafael, volunteers at Marin Advocates
for Children will help track down long-lost relatives and other adults who
may provide stability and lasting connections for foster children.
“One of our goals was to create opportunities for the young lawyer to
personally connect with the foster children,” said Matthew Butler, CYLA’s
representative on the State Bar Board of Governors. “The two programs
obviously provide that opportunity on different levels.”
Finding families has big
One teenager went home to her long-lost mother in Georgia
after 10 years. Another was adopted by a caring bus driver
from her childhood. Still another — a lonely 15-year-old
boy with no known family — discovered he had more than
300 out-of-state relatives and an invitation to the annual
family reunion.
A growing number of children’s advocates and social
workers are using “family finding” — a
mix of case file mining, Internet searches and detective
work — to link lonely foster children with caring adults.
“One day you think you have no family and the next
day you find out you have a big one,” said Kevin Campbell,
who pioneered the movement in Washington seven years ago
and considers such searching a “human rights issue.”
The practice, used in at least 14 counties in California
and a dozen states so far, can lead to a new home or simply
provide a lonely child with an important sense of belonging
and having someone who cares.
“As long as they have at least one person that they
consider a lifelong connection, we consider that a success,” says
Karla Self, who conducts such searches full-time for Stanislaus
County’s Community Services Agency.
Self, who sees herself as a genealogist, tracks down every
foster child’s extended family via the Internet — finding
at least 20 relatives within an hour — and then follows
up on information from a social worker’s conversations
with the youngster. Since 2004, she has completed 1,200 such
Advocates say the crucial work comes after a list of extended
family and significant adults has been compiled. And the
process can be fraught with challenges — relatives
with unrealistic expectations and children who need to work
through their loss and grief.
Campbell first got the idea for family finding after learning
about International Red Cross searches for the relatives
of those missing or killed in wars and disasters. Wash-ington,
Minnesota and Arizona have since mandated such searches for
all foster children. Similar legislation was vetoed recently
in California.
One of few states to provide financial assistance to relative
caregivers, California already has one of the highest percentages
of children living in a relative’s home. But Campbell
says he believes the state could cut its foster care placements
in half by fully implementing family finding.
After requiring such searches, some regions of Washington
saw a twofold increase in relative placements. In North Dakota,
family finding has reportedly led to a 140 percent jump in
relative placements and a 50 percent drop in residential
Campbell says he has found an average of seven or eight
adults willing to make a lasting commitment to the child
in some 5,000 cases. In one, social workers scrambled to
find the relatives of a 20-year-old who was 11 days from
aging out of Missouri’s foster care system. A 15-minute
Internet search turned up 18 relatives, including the youth’s
birth father in Minnesota. On his 21st birthday, after 17
years in foster care, he flew home with his overjoyed father
and brother.
In another case, one call to a phone number found in a lonely
youngster’s case file turned up hundreds of relatives
living in another state. “How would this kid’s
story be different,” Campbell wonders, “if we’d
had this conversation five years ago?” |
California’s foster care system currently oversees nearly 80,000 abused,
abandoned and neglected children. Roughly 4,000 of them age out of the system
each year, usually at 18. While more transitional housing programs (in some
cases for youth up to age 24), independent living classes and scholarship programs
have sprung up in recent years, the need still far outweighs the resources,
advocates say.
In his swearing-in speech this fall, bar President Jeff Bleich urged attorneys
to start delivering some real help. “Today in one of the wealthiest and
most powerful states in human history, 60 percent of the children leaving foster
care will either be institutionalized, homeless or dead within five years,” Bleich
said, “and we have only a handful of lawyers helping to stop this tragedy.”
At Bleich’s request, CYLA took the lead. After canvassing existing programs
statewide, CYLA leaders chose two and obtained a California State Bar Foundation
grant to train volunteers. In addition, the CYLA Web site now features a statewide
list of other organizations and initiatives seeking volunteer assistance for
foster youth.
Organizers say SDVLP’s Foster Youth Advocacy Project will give attorneys
a chance to gain new skills under a supervising attorney’s guidance and
help foster children as well. At the first training, volunteers will choose
to handle special education cases or help foster children obtain legal status
as lawful permanent residents. The volunteer attorney’s level of involvement
will be tailored to his or her availability.
But Dawn Davis, the SDVLP’s managing attorney, is hoping for something
more. “We hope that they will take more of a mentoring role and become
more involved with these kids,” she said. “My personal dream is
to connect people with these kids and get them involved in a professional,
mentoring kind of way.”
In San Rafael, attorney volunteers will help launch a new Lifelong Connections
program at Marin Advocates for Children. Volunteers will use “family
finding” — a mix of case mining, Internet searches and a little
detective work — to help find lasting connections for teenagers close
to aging out of the system. The first training is tentatively slated for March.
In recent years, more focus has been placed on establishing enduring connections
between foster children and caring adults. There is a growing recognition,
advocates say, that such connections — even when they do not lead to
a new home — can make a crucial difference, particularly when a child
ages out of the system.
“These young people who have already suffered trauma that most of us
can’t imagine are left to fend for themselves at 18 or 19,” said
Robert Friend, director of the California Permanency for Youth Project. “Our
vision is that no youth leave the California child welfare system without a
permanent, lifelong connection to a caring adult.”
An increasing number of children’s advocates and social workers nationwide
are now using family finding to locate and build such connections. The effort,
many say, is leading to more relative placements, cost savings and potential
lifelong bonds for children.
Marin Advocates for Children also runs the county’s Court Appointed
Special Advocate (CASA) program. CYLA leaders hope that some attorneys will
decide to make a greater commitment and become a CASA.
CASAs are trained volunteers appointed by juvenile courts to spend at least
one year (longer in some cases) as one-on-one advocates for foster children.
Serving 43 counties in California, CASAs bond with a foster child and advocate
for his or her interests in court and the community. Data suggests that children
with CASAs are more likely to get needed services and wind up in a home outside
the foster care system.
Take Adam Bateham, for example. Shortly after his 17th birthday, his mother
died and he and his sister landed in a group home in Orange County. While his
sister soon moved to a foster home, Bateham, who was born without legs, languished
at the group home for much longer. He finished high school and wanted to go
to college, but his social worker discouraged him from making any plans until
a foster home could be found. “I was watching TV and playing games for
seven or eight months,” Bateham said. “And I was very angry.”
When his attorney asked a judge to appoint a CASA, Bateham’s life changed.
His CASA, a retired engineer, helped him arrange for college placement tests,
apply to college and find a job. During a visit to Bate-ham’s old high
school, the two ran into a counselor who offered Bateham a place to live. Today,
Bateham is a college junior in a full scholarship program — and he still
sees his CASA regularly.
“You develop a relationship,” he said. “You kind of want
to show them that you appreciate that, you know, and make them proud.”
In California, fewer than one in 10 foster children get a CASA. (The rate
is one in two nationwide.) “I think a lot fall through the cracks,” said
Bateham, who now works as a peer mentor to foster youth.
Nancy Rosenberger, a mother of four, has served as a CASA for some 30 children
over the past 12 years. She has celebrated birthdays, bought a prom dress,
listened to children’s troubles and fought for better schooling and home
situations. When they turn 18 and head off on their own, she stays in touch. “I
always think, ‘If it were my child, would I be happy with where they’re
living, with their school?’” she said. “It’s frustrating
because sometimes the perfect solution isn’t available.”
Patricia McKee was 11 — one of seven siblings — when Rosenberger
first met her. Since then, Rosenberger has followed McKee from foster homes
to group homes and once to juvenile hall. She persuaded one school district
to provide transportation so that McKee, despite moving, could stay at the
same junior high school and continue playing the clarinet. She mentored McKee
through the college application process.
“There were plenty of times when I wanted to drop out of school,” McKee
recalls, “but Nancy just made me realize that if I really wanted to succeed,
I was going to need an education.”
(Click to Enlarge) |
Rosenberger, a CASA through San Diego’s Voices for Children program,
believes that many foster children just need to be accountable to someone who
cares. She knows she has an impact even when a situation does not turn out
well. “I can still see what a difference I’ve made in a kid’s
eyes,” she said. One boy “used to say I was the only one in his
life who wasn’t paid to care about him.”
Advocates say an overburdened, under-funded, reactive and secretive foster
care system only heightens the need for one-on-one connections. In some counties,
social workers handle 40 cases or more at a time, while dependency attorneys
may carry caseloads of 600. Newly proposed budget cuts, too, have raised concerns.
This spring, the Blue Ribbon Commission on Children in Foster Care, chaired
by state Supreme Court Justice Carlos Moreno, will recommend ways of improving
the courts’ performance, accountability and collaboration with other
agencies serving foster children. A new advisory California Child Welfare Council
will seek to create a more coordinated, collaborative system.
Reforms have been enacted in recent years, but advocates say some laws are
not being implemented at the county level. “Maybe where the focus needs
to be in the next few years is getting those laws implemented,” said
Bill Grimm, a senior attorney with the National Center for Youth Law.
Attorney Jennifer Troia has seen such problems firsthand. Fresh out of law
school, she volunteered as an education advocate for two boys living in a group
home. Recent law requires schools to allow uprooted foster children to finish
out the year in the same school, enroll in a new school immediately (even without
their records) and receive partial credit for past work. But when one of the
boys was moved to four different high schools and a juvenile hall school during
his senior year, Troia found herself in a showdown with school officials.
The teenager lost his chance to play football, attended night school to make
up credits and worried that he would not graduate. Troia had to fight for the
boy’s credits and his right to be admitted into school — every
time. “I was on the phone with 12 different people, trying to get them
to follow the law,” she said. One school official, she recalls, simply
said, “So sue me,” and hung up.
In the end, after many trips to school district offices and help from a few
educators, she finally saw the boy graduate on time. “It took so much
tenacity and legal knowledge on my part to get him through that,” said
Troia, who still visits the teenager once a week.
The experience also helped steer the course of her career. Troia went on to
serve as California CASA’s director of advocacy and will soon begin working
for the Assembly Committee on Human Services.
“It was incredibly powerful,” she recalls, “to see the difference
an individual can make.”
To volunteer
Attorneys interested in volunteering for the SDVLP Foster Youth Advocacy
Project can contact James Simmons at james.simmons@sdcda.org. To volunteer
for the lifelong connections project at Marin Advocates for Children, contact
Juna Kim at jkim@vanlevylaw.com. For a statewide list of organizations seeking
volunteers to assist foster youth, go to calbar.ca.gov/cyla.