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Police shooting
Award: $5,500,000
Player for San Diego Chargers alleged that a City of Coronado police officer in civilian clothes followed him to his home and shot him several times without just cause (Foley v. City of Coronado, San Diego County Superior Court, Plaintiff attorney: Jordan M. Cohen).

Bicyclist injured
Award: $2,000,000
Thirty-seven-year-old physician suffered multiple fractures as a result of being thrown from his bicycle at an improperly secured construction site (Confidential v. Harris Construction Company Inc., Fresno County Superior Court, Plaintiff attorney: Richard C. Watters).

Hotel injury
Award: $8,091,804
Disabled guest at a hotel was injured in a fall when the toilet seat in his bathroom gave way and slid out from underneath him (Abbate v. Town and County Hotel Inc., San Diego County Superior Court, Plaintiff attorney: Frank S. Moore).

RICO violations
Award: Defense
Electronics company alleged RICO violations against three former employees for selling flash memory to a broker for kickbacks (Arrow Electronics Inc. v. Martin, Central District Federal Court, Defense attorney: Brodie H. Smith).

Pedestrian struck
Award: $2,050,000
Pedestrian suffered back injuries requiring a five-level fusion when he was struck in a crosswalk by a right-turning vehicle (Standley v. Laub, San Diego County Superior Court, Plaintiff attorney: Stephen J. Estey).

Falling glass
Award: Defense
Passenger in vehicle on freeway alleged that falling plate glass from a truck exploded when it hit the road, causing the driver of her car to swerve, resulting in her striking her head and knees on hard surfaces inside the car (Didier v. Xios, Sacramento County Superior Court, Defense attorney: Gary Gallawa).

Inmate death
Award: $2,100,000
Prison guards fatally injured an inmate while attempting to subdue him (Young v. Hernandez, Southern District Federal Court, Plaintiff attorney: Thomas D. Luneau).

Faulty security
Award: $1,850,000
Tenant was shot and severely injured by an intruder who entered the apartment building through a faulty security gate (Confidential v. Confidential, Los Angeles County Superior Court, Plaintiff attorney: Tyler J. Barnett).

Crushed hands
Award: $666,983
Trucker suffered broken fingertips and partial amputation of one finger when his hands were crushed in a gap between a cargo container and a chassis that was improperly placed (Moreno v. Union Pacific Railroad Co., Los Angeles County Superior Court, Plaintiff attorney: Loren B. Halpern).

Editor's Note: California Bar Journal publishes this abbreviated summary of important trials in California provided by Trials Digest, a Thomson West business. To report your case results, go to or call 415-344-6000.

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