State Bar of California California Bar Journal
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Governor signs bills to help increase IOLTA,
legal services funds

Legal aid services in California got a boost last month as Governor Schwarzenegger signed a bill allowing for higher interest on lawyer trust accounts and final steps were taken to add a voluntary legal services donation to the State Bar’s 2008 fee statement.

Bar board will tackle malpractice insurance disclosure again
A sharply divided State Bar Board of Governors will again tackle the thorny issue this month of whether to require California lawyers to inform their clients if they do not carry malpractice insurance.

Widely honored lawyer finds unlikely heroes
Stewart Kwoh can hardly remember a time when he wasn’t interested in civil rights and community service. Volunteer and advocacy efforts that began in his teens intensified as Kwoh grew older; they ultimately molded his legal career when he founded the Asian Pacific American Legal Center of Los Angeles in 1983.

Governor signs State Bar fee bill; dues unchanged
Gov. Schwarzenegger signed the State Bar attorney fee bill last month, leaving dues for the state’s active attorneys at $400, the same level as last year. Dues for inactive lawyers dropped $10 to $115.

A young lawyer is honored for
non-stop work for the poor

A number of veteran attorneys who have worked with Jorge Aguilar of the Eviction Defense Center in Oakland find it incredible that he has been a lawyer — with a slew of successful trials under his belt — for less than three years.

Alex Kozinski

Kozinski receives Witkin Medal for altering
the state's 'legal landscape'

Alex Kozinski, a widely respected federal appeals court judge known both for his erudite legal articles and his humorous essays, received the State Bar’s Bernard Witkin Medal.

New Access Council gets started
with 25 appointees

Twenty-five people, including lawyers, judges, academics and career services professionals, have been appointed by the State Bar Board of Governors to the new Council on Access and Fairness.

Jesse Hahnel

Educating needy children is his goal
As a teenager, Jesse Hahnel received an “amazing” education through a special urban magnet school program that bused in children, Hahnel among them, from more affluent, predominantly white areas outside Washington, D.C. But through the years, he also watched as disadvantaged minority children all around him received a terrible education at the same school.

2007-08 Exhibitor Directory
The businesses and services listed here support the State Bar through various means, most notably as exhibitors at the State Bar's Annual Meeting. Visit them online or via phone to serve your individual needs.

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