The State Bar sections have scheduled the following events:
- Wednesday, February 12: State Bar Litigation Section presents Why the
Public Does Not Like Lawyers -- and What Lawyers Can Do About It, noon
- 1:30 p.m., Fairmont Hotel, San Jose. Contact: Janet Hayes, 415/561-8846.
[1 hour MCLE credit]
- Thursday, February 27: State Bar International Law Section presents
Enforcement of Contracts in Mexico, Mission Valley Marriott, San Diego.
Contact: Pres Soberon, 415/561-8380. [3 hours MCLE credit]
- Friday, February 28 -- Sunday, March 2: Conference of Delegates presents
32nd Annual Bar Leaders Conference, Westin South Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa.
Contact: Jeanett Mulder, 415/561-8844. [Up to 4 hours MCLE credit]
- Saturday, March 8 -- Sunday, March 9: State Bar Taxation Section presents
Annual Meeting of the Employee Benefits Committee, Sutton Place, Newport
Beach. Contact: Susan Orloff, 415/561-8880. [5.5 hours MCLE credit]
- Friday, March 14 -- Sunday, March 16: State Bar International Law Section
presents Stress Reduction Weekend, The Palms Resort, Palm Springs. Contact:
Pres Soberon, 415/561-8380. [Up to 5 hours MCLE credit]
- Friday, April 11: State Bar Labor & Employment Law Section presents
Third Annual Public Sector Conference, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., San Francisco.
Contact: Pres Soberon, 415/561-8890. [MCLE credit to be determined]
- Friday, April 25 -- Sunday, April 27: State Bar Litigation Section
presents 1997 Annual Trial Symposium, Silverado Country Club and Resort,
Napa. Contact: Janet Hayes, 415/561-8846. [MCLE credit to be determined]
Certification: These activities have been approved for
Minimum Continuing Legal Education credit by the State Bar of California
in the amount of the number of hours shown with each activity. The State
Bar of California certifies that these activities conform to the standards
for approved education activities prescribed by the rules and regulations
of the State Bar of California governing minimum continuing legal education.