(Broadcast on KNSD-TV,
San Diego, Jan. 8, 1997)
If you were among the majority of Californians who voted for Pro-osition 209, which banned affirmative action, or Proposition 215, which legalized medical use of marijuana, or Proposition 187, which denied legal benefits to illegal immigrants, you're probably upset.
All three are hung up in the courts or in a jurisdictional squabble with the federal government. None is close to being enforced. But before you start calling for the impeachment of judges or other public officials or -- God help us -- advocating another initiative, consider this:
Just because some special interest group puts a proposition on the ballot and just because they have the money and political smarts to convince you to vote for it does not make that initiative legal or constitutional or even right. If you want instant gratification, go to the movies or the mall. Don't expect it in the voting booth.
The initiative process has become perverted. At the very least, it should be modified to provide for public hearings or judicial review before propositions go on the ballot.
At best, it should be eliminated.