Pay your dues
Attorneys who fail to pay their 1997 State Bar membership fees face suspension from practice by the California Supreme Court. The bar filed the list of delinquent attorneys with the court June 23; they are expected to be suspended July 21.
Those on the list who wish to avoid suspension must pay their fee in certified funds only, plus late penalties, by July 18. Payment will be accepted at the bar's Los Angeles and San Francisco offices.
Questions about fees may be directed to Membership Services Operations, 415/561-8365.
2,026 pass the February bar examination
Just under half the prospective attorneys who took the February bar exam passed, the Committee of Bar Examiners announced. Of the 4,150 applicants, 2,026 -- 48.8 percent -- passed.
Another 126 attorneys passed the attorneys' exam, administered to lawyers who have practiced four of the last six years in other states.
Successful applicants were eligible to take the attorney's oath in June.
The new lawyers boost the total number of attorneys in California to more than 157,000.
E-mail address published for Court of Appeal
Members of the public can now contact the Court of Appeal for the First Appellate District via e-mail:
The e-mail address, the first for the California appellate courts, will save litigants the cost of long-distance phone calls and reduce delay in answering questions.
The address is offered as a means of transmitting messages only and not as an alternative to accepted filing procedures.
Kids and the Law brochure available
Kids and the Law, a brochure designed to give parents the answers to legal questions concerning their children, is available from the State Bar.
Written by University of San Francisco law professor Thomas Nazario, the 79-page booklet offers relevant, easy-to-understand information on a wide range of laws and legal issues involving children.
It includes nuts-and-bolts information on current and changing laws, practical examples, a glossary and cross-references to appropriate statutes and code sections.
The brochure is available by calling 1-800/445-4LAW.
California Law Advocates has produced a related brochure targeted for children who reach the age of 18. Now in its fourth printing, "When You Become 18" is considered a survival guide for teenagers.
Available through many school districts, it includes chapters on voting, jury duty, marriage, divorce, child support, date rape, establishing credit and other topics 18-year-olds should know about.
A Spanish version of the booklet will be available in the fall.
For information about "When You Become 18," contact Margaret Hampton at 818/346-9538 or a CLA chapter in your area.
Ethics CLE credit for public sector lawyers
A continuing education program for public lawyers, "Ethical Considerations in Public Sector Law," will be presented at the ABA's annual meeting in August in San Francisco.
The program is offered by the ABA's Government and Public Sector Lawyers Division in conjunction with the State Bar's Public Law Section. It is scheduled for 2-5 p.m. Aug. 1 at the Holiday Inn Union Square.
The course is free of charge to attendees at the annual meeting and ethics MCLE credit will be given.
1998 legal services grants available
Competitive grant funds funds to provide civil legal services to eligible clients in 1998 are available from the Legal Services Corporation (LSC).
The amount of funds and the date and terms of their availability are not yet known.
Requests for Proposals (RFP) are now available from LSC by calling 202/336-8900. Grant proposals must be received by LSC by July 21.
Judicial Fellows applicants sought
Individuals interested in the administration of justice are invited to apply for the 1998-99 Judicial Fellows Program. Established in 1973 and patterned after the White House and Congressional Fellowships, the program seeks outstanding individuals from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds who show promise of making a contribution to the judiciary.
Up to four fellows will be chosen to spend a year, beginning in August or September 1998, in Washington, D.C., at the U.S. Supreme Court, the Federal Judicial Center, the Administrative Office of the United States Courts, or the United States Sentencing Commission.
Candidates must be familiar with the federal judicial system, have at least one postgraduate degree and two or more years of successful professional experience.
Further information is available from Vanessa M. Yarnall, Administrative Director, Judicial Fellows Program, Supreme Court of the United States, Room 5, Washington, D.C. 20543; 202/479-3415. The application deadline is Nov. 17.
Women Lawyers to meet in San Francisco Aug. 1-2
The National Association of Women Lawyers has scheduled its annual meeting Aug. 1-2 in San Francisco. Co-sponsored by the State Bar, the meeting offers workshops on workplace violence and employment issues affecting women and families within the legal profession.
Information about the program is available from Peggy L. Golden, 312/988-6186.
A day for solos
Sole and small firm practitioners are invited to attend an all-day program devoted to addressing such topics as rainmaking, becoming profitable, ethical concerns and technology.
Co-sponsored by the ABA's General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Section and the State Bar, the program will be held July 31 at the Sheraton Palace Hotel in San Francisco.
The program, "Putting the Fun and Profit into Solo and Small Firm Lawyering," offers between 8-9 hours of MCLE credit. It is free for attendees at the ABA annual meeting; cost for those not registered at the meeting will be determined at a later date.
For further information, contact Cara Cavallini Shirk at 312/988-5659.
Bar endorses two insurance programs
Two insurance programs, one covering workers' compensation and the other a business office package, have been endorsed by the State Bar for its members.
Developed by the bar's Committee on Group Insurance Programs, the new member benefits offer minimum premiums lower than those generally available.
The workers' compensation group insurance program, offered through the State Compensation Insurance Fund, offers:
Any law firm seeking workers' comp insurance for the first time, including sole practitioners, is eligible to participate. For all other law firms to participate and remain in the program, you must have a three-year loss ratio of 65 percent or less and if you have an experience modification, it cannot exceed 125 percent. More information is available by calling the State Fund at 1-800/533-6868.
The business office package provides "all risk" property and casualty insurance, subject to standard exclusions. The program will be underwritten by The Hartford, and Acordia Lloyd is the program adminstrator. Features include:
For further information, members or their brokers may call Acordia Lloyd at 1-800/648-1600.
The bar also endorses programs in health, life, disability and professional liability insurance. For more information, call 415/561-8807.