The State Bar sections have scheduled the following events:
Thursday, May 8: State Bar International Law Section presents
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: An Introduction for the Unwary (teleseminar),
9 a.m. - 10 a.m. Contact: Pres Soberon, 415/561-8380. [1 hour MCLE credit]
Thursday, May 8: State Bar International Law Section presents
Immi-gration Reform: New Statutes and Regulations: An Update (teleseminar),
5 p.m. - 6 p.m., Contact: Pres Soberon, 415/561-8380. [1 hour MCLE credit]
Thursday, May 8 - Friday, May 9: State Bar Legal Services Section
presents 1997 Pro Bono/Legal Services Conference, Miyako Hotel, San Fran-cisco.
Contact: Eve Hershcopf, 415/561-8213. [15 hours MCLE credit]
Friday, May 9: Labor and Employment Law Section presents Spring
Program, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., San Francisco. Contact: Pres Soberon, 415/561-8890.
[7.75 hours MCLE credit]
Friday, May 16 - Sunday, May 18: State Bar Sections present
1997 Spring Section Education Institute, Resort at Squaw Creek, Squaw Valley.
Contact: Carol Zlongst, 415/561-8210. [15+ hours MCLE credit]
Wednesday, May 28: State Bar Business Law Section presents Non-profits
and the Law, 8:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m., Holiday Inn, Foster City. Contact:
Susan Orloff, 415/561-8870. [3 hours MCLE credit]
Friday, May 30 - Sunday, June 1: State Bar Environmental Law
Section presents California Environmental Trial Academy (CETA), Sheraton
Grande Torrey Pines. Contact: Don Breer, 415/561-8882. [8.5 hours MCLE
Thursday, June 12: State Bar Real Property Law Section presents
Recent Developments in Real Estate Finance, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m., offices of
Cooley, Godward, San Francisco. Contact: Robyn Murphy, 415/561-8864. [1
hour MCLE credit]
Friday, August 1 - Saturday, August 2: State Bar International
Law Section presents International Law Weekend, St. Francis Hotel, San
Francisco. Contact: Pres Soberon, 415/561-8380. [MCLE credit to be determined]
Certification: The State Bar of California and Section Education Meeting
Services are State Bar-approved MCLE providers.