Revisions to the amicus policy
Changes to the State Bar Amicus Curiae policy would emphasize that the bar's participation is appropriate only when matters presented are germane or basic to the State Bar as a whole.
SOURCE: State Bar Board Legal Committee
CONTACT: Francisco Gomez, Office of General Counsel, 555 Franklin St., San Francisco 94102-4498; 415/561-8334
New rule for advanced fees
Proposed new rule 4-110 (Advance Payment of Fees for Legal Services) of the California Rules of Professional Conduct and conforming amendments to rules 3-700 (Termination of Employment) and 4-100 (Preserving Identity of Funds and Property of a Client) of the California Rules of Professional Conduct.
SOURCE: State Bar Board Committee on Regulation & Discipline
CONTACT: Katherine McMahon, 100 Van Ness Ave., 28th Flr., San Francisco 94102-5238; 415/241-2157