California Codes on CD-ROM
EdTech Associates has released, on a single CD-ROM, the 1998 edition of CodeSearch, which contains all the immense book volumes of the 29 California Codes, including those newly in effect as of Jan. 1, 1998.
Configured to use less than one meg of hard drive, CodeSearch is ideal for laptop, desktop and network computers. Searches can be conducted by topic, word, phrase, common name or code section, with results returned in seconds. Users can quickly browse through the returned code sections, copy the relevant code sections to a word processor document, and print or file for future use.
CodeSearch comes with its own search engine for Windows 95 users. DOS, Windows 3.1, Unix and Macintosh users may read and search the code sections using any search utility of their own. CodeSearch is available for $109. For more information, contact EdTech Associates at 1-800/852-5977, or visit the companys web site at
PC data protection
Timeslips Corp. has partnered with @Backup to offer complete PC data protection for Timeslips users. By using @Backups nightly online backup service, a Timeslips user can automatically store all PC data offsite in @Backups supercomputer vault.
@Backup provides bank-level security online backup services for small business PC users. The company uses a 56-bit DES encryption and offers 1,000 terabytes of storage, coupled with an incoming data capacity of one gigabyte per second. The service is offered for a low monthly fee. @Backup will provide free enabling software so that Timeslips users can try the service free for one month with no obligation.
For more information, contact @Backup at 1-800/435-9090, or visit the company web site at:
Case information features
Gavel & Gown Software Inc., developers of Amicus Attorney PRO case management software, has enhanced its interface with HotDocs, the document automation software from Capsoft Development Corp.
Now HotDocs seamlessly integrates with Amicus Attorney PRO version 2.6, allowing users to use specific case information entered in Amicus Attorney to assemble documents in HotDocs. Amicus Attorney PRO also supports the use of HotDocs answer files and allows users to work with two data sources.
Amicus Attorney PRO, Lawyer Office, Assistant Office and Amicus Team are now available on CD-ROM. Version 2.6 also includes a sophisticated link with Timeslips Deluxe, providing a direct post of time sheets and the ability to share client and file information with Amicus Attorney PRO, as well as a link with WORLDOX, a document management program by World Software Corp.
For more information, Gavel & Gown can be reached at 1-800/472-2289. The company web site is
Updated CFRs with graphics on CD-ROM
SOLUTIONS Software Corporations newly revised All 50 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFRs) on CD-ROM features more than 5,000 in-line graphics, instant search/retrieval, and page-for-page accuracy with original documents. These graphics are essential to fully utilize the CFRs, since the text often references illustrations, including tables, charts, figures and equations.
The fully cross-indexed database features Adobe Acrobat (PDF) software, the industry standard for electronic documents which is used by the U.S. Government Printing Office. The PDF format looks and prints exactly like the printed CFR publications, and users can copy/paste regulations into word processing programs.
SOLUTIONS PDF documents are generated from official U.S. GPO electronic source files. They save more than 20 feet of library shelf space and cost a fraction of the U.S. GPOs 205-volume, $950 printed CFR volumes.
Updated quarterly, the two-CD-ROM set costs $62.50 for a current edition. An annual subscription (four complete CD-ROM sets) is $190.
For further information, contact the company via e-mail:, or fax: 407/321-3098, or check out the SOLUTIONS web
Internet store now open
West Groups online Internet store, located at, is now open for business. The enhanced site will enable legal professionals and consumers to view product and pricing information and make purchases over the World Wide Web 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The current catalog features nearly 4,000 West Group products.