State Bar of California California Bar Journal
Home Page Official Publication of the State Bar of California May2005
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Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center

Lack of judges, unsafe buildings plague courts
California’s judicial system lacks safe court buildings and courtrooms, is in desperate need of more judges and administrative staff and gets a dismal grade when it comes to accommodating people with special needs — all at a time when judges are under increasing attack from ideologues opposed to an “activist judiciary,” a parade of witnesses told the California Judicial Council at a hearing in San Francisco last month.

When you become 18

When You Become 18 updated and translated
Your kid is 18 now: Does she need her own car insurance? Can he buy beer for himself and his friends? If she drinks but doesn’t drive, can her license be taken away? Does he need his own Social Security number to get a job?

14 vie for five seats on bar board
Fourteen candidates, including big firm lawyers, solo practitioners, government attorneys and a legal aid lawyer, are running for five open seats on the State Bar Board of Governors. Ballots were mailed to eligible voters last month and must be returned by June 30.

New jury duty pamphlet
If called for jury service, what are the consequences if you don’t show up? If you report to jury service in May, when can you be called again? These and many other questions are answered in the State Bar’s newest pamphlet, What Should I Know About Serving on a Jury?

Out-of-state attorneys working in California must register by May 15
Non-California lawyers employed in California as in-house counsel must register with the State Bar by May 15.

‘Pathways to Justice’ scheduled for June 2-4
Attorneys who work in the direct delivery of legal services to low- and moderate-income Californians are invited to attend the State Bar’s 2005 Spring Summit, Pathways to Justice, June 2-4 in San Francisco.

Jury poster available
The State Bar is offering a black and white poster called "A Jury of My Peers?"

Online Exhibit Hall
The businesses and services listed here support the State Bar through various means, most notably as exhibitors at the State Bar's Annual Meeting. Visit them online or via phone to serve your individual needs.

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