State Bar of California California Bar Journal
Home Page Official Publication of the State Bar of California January2007
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Environmental law enters the era
of global warming

The “third wave” of the environmental movement has arrived in response to global warming, says Sean Hecht, executive director of UCLA’s Environmental Law Center, and lawyers, as in the past, are critical actors in whatever form that response takes.

Encouraging law students to pursue public interest careers
Help may be on the way for law school graduates who would like to pursue a public interest law career but feel they can’t afford it.

Avoid a penalty by paying bar dues by Feb. 1

All California attorneys, whether active or inactive, must pay their annual State Bar fees by the statutory due date of Feb. 1. The fees may be paid online or postmarked by that date or a late payment charge — $100 for active lawyers and $30 for inactive members — will be assessed.

The bar is looking for a few good volunteers
One attorney was looking for an opportunity to improve the justice system and make public policy changes that benefit both attorneys and the public. A solo practitioner and a corporate lawyer both wanted to network and meet with members of the bench and the legislature. Others simply wanted to expand their knowledge in their practice areas.

Tell the bar if you move
Nearly a quarter of the State Bar’s membership — some 45,000 lawyers — changes their address every year. And although the Business & Professions Code requires attorneys to notify the bar about that address change, it often doesn’t happen.

2006-07 Exhibitor Directory
The businesses and services listed here support the State Bar through various means, most notably as exhibitors at the State Bar's Annual Meeting. Visit them online or via phone to serve your individual needs.

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