State Bar of California California Bar Journal
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Making laws relevant to kids
The subject was Internet scams, and the discussion in Joann Petersen’s Sociology and Law in Action course was spirited. Speaking of the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, one of the students at San Diego’s West-view High School said angrily, “Web sites were asking people to donate money for hurricane relief that weren’t legitimate organizations.” “That sucks,” responded a classmate.

Lawyers to be surveyed on benefits
The State Bar will conduct a random survey of California attorneys this month in an effort to improve services to members and, as a byproduct, determine ways to generate non-dues revenue.

Scott Drexel
Danni Murphy

Board of governors committee seeks
input on permanent disbarment

A State Bar Board of Governors committee agreed last month to seek public comment on whether the California Supreme Court should adopt a rule authorizing permanent disbarment.

July bar exam pass rate stays under 50 percent;
only 28 percent pass the attorneys’ exam

Only 48.8 percent of the would-be lawyers who took the July 2005 bar exam passed, a slight increase from the 48.2 percent who passed the exam in July 2004. If the 4,072 successful applicants satisfy the other requirements for admission, they will become members of the State Bar.

Supreme Court approves limited, temporary practice for
Gulf Coast lawyers

The California Supreme Court approved an order last month to permit attorneys displaced by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita to practice law from a California location as if they were working in their home state.

Section Education program, LAP dinner next month
The first annual “Saving Careers, Saving Lives” dinner, honoring State Bar President Jim Heiting, will be held at the Section Education Institute (SEI) Jan. 28 in Santa Monica. Proceeds from the event will benefit the scholarship fund of the Lawyer Assistance Program (LAP), which helps attorneys with addiction or mental health issues.

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