Online registration of lawyers is likely to be required next year
If the Supreme Court approves a State Bar proposal, all California attorneys
will be required to register online with the bar next year, providing information
including their address and phone number and whether they maintain one or more
client trust accounts. The bar has asked the Supreme Court to approve a new
rule to govern the registration requirement by Feb. 1.
Race data for bar admissions research stays under wraps
A researcher who wants historical data on the background of applicants for
the California bar exam to study the effects of affirmative action on law students
was turned down last month when bar governors said they were obligated to protect
the students’ privacy.
Board ducks malpractice disclosure
A proposal to require California lawyers to tell their clients if they don’t
carry malpractice insurance once again ran into controversy last month when
the board of governors sent the disclosure recommendation back to a committee
for more study.
Bar exam pass rate jumps five percent over last year
More than half of the applicants who took the July bar exam — 56.1 percent — passed,
the Committee of Bar Examiners reported last month.
Fee arbitration offers cheaper, faster alternative to litigation
After a new round of appointments last month, the State Bar’s Fee Arbitration
Panel now numbers 433 volunteers, the largest fee arbitration panel in State
Bar history and nearly double the number from four years ago.
Deputy AG, Santa Clara bar win diversity awards
The Santa Clara County Bar Association and Gordon “Sam” Overton,
a Van Nuys deputy attorney general who has been a leader in legal access and
fairness for the disabled and LGBT communities, are the 2007 recipients of
the State Bar’s Diversity Awards.
Exhibitor Directory
The businesses and services listed here support the State Bar through various
means, most notably as exhibitors at the State Bar's Annual Meeting. Visit them
online or via phone to serve your individual needs.
San Francisco attorney Jeff Bleich took the oath of office as the 83rd president of the State Bar from Chief Justice Ronald George. |