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Home Page Official Publication of the State Bar of California March2005
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Metrolink Train Wreck in Los Angeles

Public protection takes center stage in disaster
Shortly after Metrolink train #100 plowed into a Jeep parked on the railroad tracks in Glendale in late January, former Los Angeles deputy sheriff Tom Layton got a phone call from one of his police buddies. As a member of several law enforcement groups and a man with “friends all over the place,” the State Bar investigator often gets an early head’s-up when disaster strikes.

Help for addicted lawyers is on the rise
California lawyers with substance abuse and mental health problems are increasingly seeking help before their behavior becomes so serious it impedes their advocacy for clients and requires State Bar intervention.

ABA study finds minority lawyers have ‘miles to go’ in the profession
Minority attorneys continue to face serious obstacles to success in the legal profession, from initial job opportunities to career advancement, and they remain grossly underrepresented in top-level private sector jobs, according to a report issued last month by an American Bar Association commission.

Jury duty in the spotlight
The State Bar will publish a new consumer education pamphlet about jury service in May, outlining citizens’ responsibilities and explaining recent changes to California rules.

Access and fairness survey starts this month
In an effort to determine the kinds of challenges faced by women, minorities, older and gay attorneys in California, an online survey of those groups begins this month. The Access & Fairness survey seeks information similar to that elicited in a recent poll of attorneys with disabilities.

2005 Spring Summit: Pathways to Justice, June 2-4

Spring Summit, Pathways to Justice, set for June
Attorneys who work in the direct delivery of legal services to low- and moderate-income Californians are invited to attend the State Bar’s 2005 Spring Summit, Pathways to Justice, June 2-4 in San Francisco.

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