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Fewer lawyer-lawmakers: Does it make a difference?
During seven of State Treasurer Bill Lockyer’s 25 years in the California legislature, he spent two, three or five nights a week going to classes at McGeorge School of Law.

Bar issues foreclosure ethics alert
When San Diego attorney Carol S. was asked recently if she wanted to associate with a firm offering foreclosure modification services, she saw red flags. At a meeting with an intermediary who had approached her firm, she expressed concern about potential ethical constraints, such as splitting fees with non-lawyers and soliciting clients, but “they tried to explain some easy loopholes.”

State Bar discipline unit scores three wins on the same day
The State Bar’s disciplinary unit had a busy day Feb. 11:

  • The Supreme Court ordered the disbarment of Beverly Hills attorney Richard Isaac Fine, who called himself the “Don Quixote of the Law.”
  • In a high-profile case, a State Bar Court judge recommended a four-year suspension of a Santa Clara County deputy district attorney.
  • Working with the Orange County district attorney, the bar shut down three offices operated by a southern California lawyer who has been hospitalized since January, leaving more than 2,000 cases unattended.

Bar board member agrees to drop his lawsuit
State Bar President Holly Fujie announced last month that the bar and board of governors member Michael Tenenbaum constructively resolved issues that arose following Tenenbaum’s successful election to the board in July 2008.

2008-09 Exhibitor Directory
The businesses and services listed here support the State Bar through various means, most notably as exhibitors at the State Bar's Annual Meeting. Visit them online or via phone to serve your individual needs.

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