Woman paralyzed
Award: $55,362,496
A 33-year-old woman claimed that defective tires
on her parents' car caused a rollover accident leaving her an
incomplete quadriplegic. (Lampe v. Continental General Tire Inc., Los
Angeles County Superior Court).
Police kill suspect
Award: $1,208,417
Plaintiff claimed her disabled paranoid
schizophrenic son was shot and killed by police without sufficient
justification. (Lifton v. City of Vacaville, Eastern District Federal
SUV hits pedestrian
Award: $930,415
A pedestrian claimed that he was in a crosswalk
when an SUV struck him, causing numerous injuries, including spleen
and liver damage and a femur fracture. (Meraz v. Valadao, San
Francisco County Superior Court).
Fibromyalgia aggravated
Award: $57,000
Plaintiff was involved in two separate auto
accidents, consolidated into a single action, which she alleged
aggravated her fibromyalgia and caused other injuries. (Stephens v.
Litvak, Los Angeles County Superior Court).
Family killed in fire
Award: $15,007,500
Five members of a family living in San Francisco
public housing died in a fire; plaintiffs alleged a defective wall
heater and that defendant breached its mandatory duty to provide smoke
detectors. (Evans v. San Francisco Housing Authority, San Francisco
County Superior Court).
Circumcision injury
Award: Defense
An infant was allegedly left disfigured and brain
damaged as a result of a negligently performed circumcision. (Perez v.
Nguyen, Los Angeles County Superior Court).
Unregistered mark infringed
Award: $0
Plaintiff sought declaration of non-infringement
in connection with cosmetic products trademark; jury finds
infringement of unregistered mark. (Physicians Formula Cosmetics Inc.
v. Derma-blend Inc., Central District Federal Court).
Roommates assaulted
Award: $427,500
Two roommates who were tenants at the defendant
apartment building were bound and gagged and then sexually assaulted
and raped by a co-tenant whom the owners/management allegedly knew was
a danger. (Kanemoto v. Encino Manor Apartments, Los Angeles County
Superior Court).
Woman sues for palimony
Award: $8,500,000
A woman sued her long-time companion for palimony
and child support. (Greenlin v. Neves, Orange County Superior Court).
EDITOR'S NOTE: California Bar Journal
publishes this abbreviated summary of important trials in California
provided by Trials Digest Publishing Inc. For a free complete trial
report on any case listed, call 510/420-1800. |