Letters to the Editor |
Los Angeles mayor lauds new executive director
As a longtime member of the State Bar, I would like to congratulate the board of governors on having selected Steve Nissen as the organizations’s new chief executive officer. My only grievance is that Steve is moving to the bar headquarters, meaning he will be sorely missed here in Los Angeles.
News accounts of Steve’s appointments have centered on his achievements at Public Counsel Law Center, but those who have not yet had the pleasure of knowing or working with Steve may not be aware of the depth and breadth of his legal experience. Over the years, Steve has been a law professor, a prosecutor and a partner in a large private firm, in addition to presiding over Public Counsel’s maturation into the nation’s largest pro bono law office.
The growth of Public Counsel over the last decade-plus would not have been possible without Steve’s leadership, which enabled the organization to defy the traditional stereotypes which saddle many legal service providers. Steve saw the value of taking disputes out of the courtroom and focusing legal resources in the neighborhoods. His stewardship has meant that microbusinesses have greater opportunities to create jobs in economically distressed neighborhoods, consumers have learned how to protect themselves from scam operators, and children have found families to adopt them out of foster care.
Again, congratulations. I know the bar is heading toward an exciting future with Steve Nissen at the helm.
Richard J. Riordan
Mayor, City of Los Angeles
Refreshing view on affirmative action
Generally I only read the discipline section and scan the remainder of the Bar Journal. Much to my surprise and pleasure, I came upon an opinion piece in the October issue by Steven Ray Garcia entitled "Good Riddance to Affirmative Action."
Mr. Garcia’s point of view regarding Proposition 209 is refreshing. Thank you for sharing his opinion with all of us. I hope that those members of the State Bar who voted against Proposition 209 read his piece and gained some enlightenment from doing so.
Thank you, Mr. Garcia, for working so hard, as all of us have, to become attorneys. I certainly do not want to cheapen my accomplishments of becoming an attorney by the existence of an affirmative action program.
Elliot K. Sevier
Insurance programs meet members’ general needs
This letter is in response to a letter from Mr. Richard E. King Jr. (October Bar Journal) regarding the State Bar Approved Health Care Plan. As the current chair of the State Bar’s Committee on Group Insurance Programs, I would like to address the concerns of Mr. King with respect to the health care plan.
The premiums, in this and all other medical plans, are primarily based on the utilization in the program.
Medical costs have increased, and premiums therefore are impacted. In recent years, the program has experienced increased utilization; claims payments have exceeded premium income.
Mr. King’s reference to the plan providing the "worst coverage" is just not true. Changes that have occurred to all health care plans available in the marketplace reflect continued reduction in benefits and increases in co-payments. My law firm and family are also members of this plan.
Although the volunteer members of the State Bar’s Committe on Group Insurance Programs feel that the various insurance programs still accommodate the general needs of the State Bar membership, we certainly encourage members to acquire other insurance that may better accommodate their individual needs.
It is a very limited marketplace. Therefore, be sure you know what you are buying before you leave your existing plan.
Robert K. Scott
Chair, State Bar Committee on Group Insurance Programs
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