Attorney compensation
Amend rule 422 to compensate counsel assigned to bar members in proceedings conducted pursuant to B&P Code §6007(b)(3) for their services in the California Supreme Court, as well as the State Bar Court.
Source: State Bar Court Executive Committee
Deadline: October 17
Contact: Sabrina Johnson, State Bar Court, 100 Van Ness Ave., 28th Flr., San Francisco 94102-5238; 415/241-2019; fax 415/241-2040
Rule change in conviction referral proceedings
Amend rule 600 (regarding initial pleading in a conviction referral proceeding) to include warning language mandated by B&P Code §6007(e), as amended effective Jan. 1, 1997.
Source: Office of the State Bar Court
Deadline: October 17
Contact: Sabrina Johnson, State Bar Court, 100 Van Ness Ave., 28th Flr., San Francisco 94102-5238; 415/561-2019; fax 415/241-2040
Sample fee agreement forms
Would add an arbitration clause to the sample fee agreement forms published by the State Bar to mirror an amendment to B&P Code §6200(c), effective Jan. 1, 1997, that requires the client to arbitrate when the client "has agreed in writing to arbitration under this article of all disputes concerning fees, costs or both."
Source: State Bar Board Committee on Mandatory Fee Arbitration
Deadline: October 23
Contact: Linda L. Harrington, Mandatory Fee Arbitration, 100 Van Ness Ave., 28th Flr., San Francisco 94102-5238; 415/241-2020
Amendments to fee arb programs
Would amend Minimum Standards to (1) require the State Bar-approved Notice of Client’s Right to Arbitration form be provided to the client, not only when filing a court action, but also when initiating another proceeding; (2) provide that when a client who previously agreed to arbitration fails to respond or participate in the arbitration, the arbitration will proceed; and (3) prohibit the arbitrators from awarding attorney’s fees "incurred in preparation for or in the course of the fee dispute proceeding."
Source: State Bar Board Committee on Mandatory Fee Arbitration
Deadline: October 23
Contact: Linda L. Harrington, Mandatory Fee Arbitration, 100 Van Ness Ave., 28th Flr., San Francisco 94102-5238; 415/241-2020