since 1982...
Divorce Mediation Workshops ...See our 1998 schedule.
Civil Mediation Training special arrangement for private and government groups worldwide. We have provided mediation training for the U.S. Department of Defense, as well as the Government of Kuwait. Let us provide it for you. |
The State Bar sections have scheduled the following events:
Thursday, July 30 Saturday, August 1
State Bar International Law Section presents 1998 10th Annual International law Weekend, Grand Hyatt, San Francisco.
Contact: Jayna Blackwell, 415/561-8885. [MCLE to be determined]
Thursday, October 1 Sunday, October 4
State Bar Annual Meeting, downtown Monterey.
Contact: Office of Meeting Services, 415/561-8210. [Up to 22 hours MCLE credit]
CERTIFICATION: The State Bar of California and Section Education Meeting Services are bar-approved MCLE providers.