State Bar of California California Bar Journal
Home Page Official Publication of the State Bar of California November2002
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Bar cites 21 for pro bono work
They find themselves facing eviction, a complicated child custody battle or the loss of much-needed government benefits — but they don't have the means to hire an attorney. It is the desperate plight of an increasing number of impoverished Californians facing critical legal issues.

State Bar observes 75th anniversary
The achievements of pioneers in the practice of law in the state, as well as a look at how the legal profession has changed over the years, are chronicled in a special section commemorating the 75th anniversary of the State Bar of California.

A productive year for the legislature
Although dominated by a massive $23 billion state budget deficit and a record-setting (66 days) delay in enacting a state spending plan, the year 2002 produced some significant changes — and near changes — in the law in other areas.

Seth and Shirley Hufstedler

Hufstedlers join Witkin pantheon
Seth and Shirley Hufstedler make up one of California's most legendary legal couples. Graduates of Stanford Law School's class of 1949 with consecutive bar numbers, both went on to achieve success in the courtroom and in more public lives.

Group aims to preserve legal, judicial history
On a warm day four years ago, a group representing the California Supreme Court Histori-cal Society (CSCHS) descended into a dimly lit residential basement to comb through a collection of old, dusty cartons and trunks.

First diversity awards honor efforts to increase access
A southern California attorney and two bar associations were honored last month for their efforts to ensure equal opportunity for all persons to the legal profession.

Tracie Brown

Alien land law case leads to CYLA award for young lawyer
When San Francisco attorney Tracie Brown heard about a property dispute between members of the local Japanese community and the YWCA, it piqued her interest.

Foundation enters partnership with West and FindLaw
The Foundation of the State Bar has entered into an agreement under which West will become the exclusive corporate sponsor for legal information and related services to the membership of the State Bar.

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