State Bar of California California Bar Journal
Home Page Official Publication of the State Bar of California November2003
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The Poor get Poorer

Hard times for legal services
At the same time an increasing number of impoverished Californians are seeking free legal help, the already hard-pressed legal services organizations that serve the poor are seeing some of their own funding sources fall on hard times.

Trust fund grants drop 44 percent
in two years

The Legal Services Trust Fund Program annually distributes grants to a variety of programs that assist impoverished Californians who often have nowhere else to turn for legal help. But due to low interest rates in a sluggish economy, the program has seen its distributions plummet 44 percent — from $13.5 million to $7.5 million — in just two years.

Angela Bradstreet

An advocate for equal access wins bar honor
Angela Bradstreet left her home in England in 1979, forced to leave because her family could not accept her sexual orientation. Nearly 25 years later, the Boalt Hall-educated lawyer possesses a resume with a long list of professional distinctions, awards and activities that are a testament to a career dedicated to opening doors for women and minorities in the legal profession.

Eric Lifschitz

Earning a living by working for free
Eric Lifschitz, a San Francisco attorney with a penchant for science and a passion for justice, put both into practice on behalf of low-income families and became proof positive of the career mantra, "do what you love, the money will follow."

LAP Survey
In an effort to promote its Lawyer Assistance Program, the State Bar is conducting an informal survey of members this month in conjunction with the MCLE self-assessment test.

Bar Foundation appoints new executive director
Jessica Fiske Bailey was appointed executive director of the Foundation of the State Bar last month.

47 win Foundation scholarships
They donated their time to the homeless, high-risk juveniles and women prisoners. They volunteered their services to indigent battered women immigrants, the California Innocence Project and children in foster care.

Untitled Document

Ethics update
This section highlights recent developments in attorney professional responsibility, including new cases, advisory ethics opinions, pending legislation and proposed rule amendments.

2003 Online Exhibit Hall
Welcome to the 2003 Online Exhibit Hall. The businesses and services listed here support the State Bar through various means, most notably as exhibitors at the State Bar’s Annual Meeting. Visit them online or via phone to serve your individual needs.

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