Prosecutors want tighter rules for diversion program
The southern California lawyer was a compulsive gambler who misappropriated
about $90,000 from his clients. When the State Bar charged him with misconduct – after
he repaid his clients – he was admitted to the bar's alternative discipline
program (ADP), where he underwent treatment for his gambling compulsion.
Three are running for bar presidency
Three third-year members of the State Bar Board of Governors announced last
month they will seek the presidency of the 210,000-member organization.
Broad opposition to insurance disclosure
In the face of widespread opposition to proposed rules that would require
California lawyers to tell their clients if they carry malpractice insurance,
a State Bar task force has revised its recommendation – barely.
February bar exam pass rate dips to 36.8 percent
Only 36.8 percent of the would-be lawyers who took the February bar exam passed,
the lowest pass rate in three years, the Committee of Bar Examiners announced
last month.
George Davis named to State Bar board
Los Angeles media entrepreneur George O. Davis was appointed to the State
Bar Board of Governors last month by Gov. Schwarzenegger. A veteran in the
broadcast, cable, cinema and satellite services world, Davis said he believes
lawyers hold a unique public trust, and he wants to remind fellow board members
of its importance.
2006-07 Exhibitor Directory
The businesses and services listed here support the State Bar through various
means, most notably as exhibitors at the State Bar's Annual Meeting. Visit them
online or via phone to serve your individual needs.