AB 830 (Cohn) - Senior Legal Hotline
Appropriates $50,000 to the Department of Aging to establish a
task force to pursue the concept of statewide hotlines for senior
legal services.
AB 913 (Steinberg) - Pro Bono
Requires a contract with the state for legal services that exceed
$50,000 to certify that the contracting law firm agrees to provide a
specified minimum number of hours of pro bono legal services in the
fiscal year.
AB 935 (Hertzberg) - Public Interest Attorney Loan
Forgiveness Program
Establishes the Public Interest Attorney Loan Forgiveness Program
for licensed attorneys who practice or agree to practice in public
interest areas of the law, as determined by the Student Aid Commission
(but specifically including practicing with a legal services
organization, prosecuting attorney's office, or criminal public
defender association or program).
SB 817 (Johnson) - State Bar: Examination Procedures and
State Bar-sponsored bill making changes in the law relating to the
eligibility of individuals to take the general bar examination and the
attorneys' examination.
AB 1083 (Bates) - Paralegals
Requires that a person hold him- or herself out to be a paralegal
in order to be considered a paralegal, and would exclude persons
performing certain law-related tasks or jobs from the definition of
"paralegal" if the individual in question performs in the employ
of a lawyer or law firm and under the direction and supervision of a
member of the State Bar. Also specifically exempts qualified legal
services programs (under the Federal LSC Act) from some of the
restrictions contained in the predecessor legislation (AB 1761 of
SB 1194 (Romero) - Improved Remedies for Victims of UPL;
Immigration Consultants
Allows persons victimized by unauthorized practitioners of law to
be awarded damages in the amount of loss and to obtain equitable
relief in an enforcement action brought in the name of the people of
the State of California by the Attorney General, a district attorney,
or a city attorney acting as a public prosecutor. Also amends the
Immigration Consultant Act to make it unlawful for a person to
disseminate a statement indicating that he or she acts or proposes to
act as an immigration consultant without having filed a bond.
SB 1218 (Romero) - Class Action Residuals: Allocate to
California Consumers
Revises the distribution standard under current law to specify
that that any residue of a total award not distributed to class
members in a class action suit be paid to nonprofit organizations or
foundations to support projects that will benefit the class or
similarly situated persons, or that promote the law consistent with
the objectives and purposes of the underlying cause of action, to
child advocacy programs or to nonprofit organizations providing civil
legal services to the indigent. The bill also repeals the statute
authorizing creation of a California Legal Corps, an entity which was
never formed due to absence of funding.