Gray Davis and Dan Lungren have sparred over abortion, gun control,
capital punishment, tobacco and the environment. Davis accuses his conservative Republican
opponent of holding beliefs too far out of the mainstream for California voters. The
attorney general paints his Democratic opponent as a liberal politician who says one thing
and does another.As the California gubernatorial candidates enter the height of the
campaign season, they also differ on retaining two California Supreme Court justices and
how to resolve the State Bar's predicament.
Each is cautious about tinkering with the jury system, supports a strong Three Strikes
law and thinks the governor can help restore public confidence in the legal system.
Despite Davis' claims that he has always supported the death penalty, the
tough-on-crime attorney general has accused Davis of helping to carry out policies that
were in opposition to capital punishment when he served as former Gov. Jerry Brown's chief
of staff. "When does always' mean always?' " Lungren asked in their
July 31 debate.
"It means always," Davis responded. |