Board of Governors race gets
Ballots will be mailed April 30 to practitioners
in four State Bar districts to choose their representatives on the
State Bar Board of Governors. The election this year will fill five
seats in the following districts: District 4 (Marin and San Francisco
counties); District 6 (Riverside, San Bernardino, San Luis Obispo,
Santa Barbara and Ventura counties); District 7 (Los Angeles County,
offices 1 and 2); and District 8 (Orange County).
Any active member of the State Bar who maintains
his or her principal office for the practice of law in the district in
which there is a vacancy is eligible to vote. The last day to vote
will be July 1. Terms are for three years and begin at the close of
the bar's Annual Meeting on Oct. 13.
For further information, or to obtain a petition,
contact Billie Sivanov, 415/538-2274, or Francisco Gomez,
Judicial Council conducts civil
procedure survey
The California Judicial Council and California
Law Revision Commission are conducting a joint study on civil
procedure in unified courts. Many procedural differences between
limited (municipal court) civil cases and unlimited (superior court)
civil cases were retained following trial court unification. The study
is examining whether these differences should continue, whether some
simplified procedures should be applied to all cases or certain kinds
of cases (and if so, which ones), and whether the current
jurisdictional limits are still appropriate.
Practicing attorneys are invited to provide input
on these issues by completing an online questionnaire. Anyone who
prefers to complete a printed survey should submit it to David Price,
Policy Studies Inc., 999 18th St., Suite 1000, Denver, CO 80202.
Responses are due April 30.
The survey can be found at
CYLA schedules election of its
board of directors
Ballots will be mailed April 30 for election to
the 17-member board of directors of the California Young Lawyers
Five seats are open in these districts: District
4 (Marin and San Francisco counties), District 6, (Riverside, San
Bernardino, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura counties),
District 7 (Los Angeles, offices 1 and 2), and District 8 (Orange
Any member of the State Bar in his or her first
five years of active bar membership or who is age 36 or under, in good
standing on April 22, 2002, and whose principal place of business is
located within a county that is included within the district in which
there is an election, shall be eligible to vote in the election.
Terms of office are for three years, and the new
board members will take their seats at the conclusion of the bar's
Annual Meeting in Monterey in October.
Fee arbitration training set
for May 2 in Ventura
Recent developments in fee arbitration will be
discussed at a training program in Ventura sponsored by the State
Bar's Commit-tee on Mandatory Fee Arbitration. The free training
offers 2.3 hours of MCLE credit, including one hour of legal ethics.
The training is scheduled for May 2, from noon -
2:30 p.m., in the offices of the Ventura County Bar Association, 4475
Market St, Ventura. It is for arbitrators for the county bar as well
as State Bar fee arbitrators.
Among the topics for discussion are how to write
an enforceable award, conflicts of interest, disclosure requirements
and how to control the proceeding.
To register, call the Ventura County Bar
Association at 805/650-7599. For more information, call Jill Sperber,
director of the State Bar Office of Mandatory Fee Arbitration, at
ABA seeks nominations for two
The American Bar Association is seeking
nominations for two awards honoring outstanding practitioners in the
areas of juvenile justice and government law.
The 17th annual Livingston Hall Juvenile Justice
Award honors lawyers practicing in the juvenile justice field who
display the highest degree of skill and dedication in representing
their young clients.
Nominations must be made on the official form
available from the ABA Juvenile Justice Center and must be submitted
by April 12. For a copy of the form or to receive further information,
contact Amanda Petteruti at 740 15th St., N.W., 19th Floor,
Washington, D.C., or by e-mail to
The ABA's Section of State and Local Government
Law also is seeking nominees for the Fifth Annual Jefferson Fordham
Awards, which honor lawyers and law firms that have achieved
professional excellence in the area of state and local government law.
The awards are presented in four categories: Law
Office Accomplishment, Lifetime Achievement, Advocacy and Up and
Guidelines for submission of nominations are
available from Jackie Baker at;
312/988-5652; or at
The deadline for nominations is April 15.
State Bar committee offers two
free MCLE seminars
In the interest of educating lawyers about ways
to avoid malpractice claims, the State Bar's Committee on
Professional Liability Insurance will provide two free MCLE seminars
in April.
"Risk Management Audits for Solo and Small
Practitioners" will be conducted by Anthony Davis, a nationally
known speaker on risk management. The six-hour course will be held at
the Hyatt Regency Los Angeles on April 29 and in San Diego at the
Westin Horton Plaza April 30.
Pre-registration is required to guarantee
seating. Check-in is at 11:30 a.m., and the course lasts from noon
until 6:30 p.m.
The seminars are open to all attorneys at no
cost. Those wishing to attend should register in advance at
call 415/538-2201 for more information. Participants will receive six
hours of MCLE credit in ethics.
Fee agreement seminar scheduled
in Century City
The Alternative Dispute Resolution Section of the
Century City Bar Association will present a one-hour seminar on
attorney fee agreements April 10 at noon. The workshop, entitled
"Will Your Fee Agreements Survive the Supreme Court?" will offer
an insider's perspective on fee agreement issues pending before the
California Supreme Court.
Participants will earn one hour of MCLE credit.
The registration fee for members of the Century
City bar is $35 pre-paid and $40 at the door; for non-members, it's
$50 pre-paid, $55 at door.
For information, call Mary Jones at 310/589-9648
or e-mail
"A Week in Legal London"
scheduled for June 23-28
The State Bar's Litigation Section is
sponsoring "A Week in Legal London" from June 23-28. The London
program offers an extraordinary opportunity to experience the inner
workings of the English legal system, expand litigation skills and
engage in thought-provoking discussion with members of the London
legal community.
Participants will attend sessions at the Royal
Courts of Justice, the Old Bailey, the High Court of Justice and the
Courts of Appeal. MCLE credit will be offered.
For additional information, contact the
Litigation Section at 415/538-2546.
MCLE compliance group 2 faces
Feb. 1 deadline
Members of MCLE compliance group 2 (last names
H-M) who are not part of an exempt group must complete 25 hours of
continuing legal education by the compliance deadline of Feb. 1, 2003.
Attorneys who comply after that date may be
subject to a $75 fine. |