The Foundation of the State Bar of California has awarded 32 law students
throughout California scholarships ranging from $2,500 to $7,500. The scholarships, with
an emphasis on public service, are awarded each year. Since 1991, the foundation has
distributed more than $1 million in grants and scholarships, aiding both law school
students and community legal programs in California.
Dorothy Tucker, chair of the foundation's scholarship committee, called the recipients
"future lawyers who are interested in public service."
This year's scholarship winners are:
Northern California
Kathleen Boyle: Candidate for JD
degree, University of California, Hastings College of Law; graduate of Univers-ity of
California, Santa Barbara. Credentials include, law clerk for California Indian Legal
Services; volunteer advocate for General Assistance Advocacy Clinic advising clients on
their rights to general assistance, food stamps and Social Security programs; Peace Corps,
hillside agricultural extensionist, Yamaranguila, Intibuca, Honduras; researched health,
social and economic conditions for Direct Relief International, a disaster relief agency.
Amy Cheung: Candidate for JD
degree, University of California, Hastings College of Law; graduate of University of
California, Berkeley. Credentials include, law clerk for Lawyers' Committee for Civil
Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area, San Francisco Neighborhood Legal Assistance
Foundation, and Asian Law Caucus; created and implemented curriculum for educational
program for inner-city children for the Oakland Urban Program; volunteered with Chinese
for Affirmative Action, San Francisco, and Asian Community Immigration Clinic, Berkeley.
Anita Chorney: Candidate for JD
degree, Monterey College of Law; graduate of University of West Los Angeles. Credentials
include being a member of the District Attorney Sexual Assault Team, County of Monterey;
certified sexual assault counselor, volunteer, Monterey Rape Crisis Center; volunteered
free monthly educational outreach for low to moderate income families seeking home
Elizabeth V. Coleman: Candidate
for JD degree, San Francisco Law School; graduate of Golden Gate University, San
Francisco. Credentials include, Sunday school teacher, McGee Avenue Baptist Church,
Berkeley; president, Black Law Students' Association; editor-in-chief, San Francisco Law
Review; Regional Moot Court Coordinator, National Black Law Students Association; authored
"Congress v. Supreme Court: The Battle for Religious Liberty," 1997.
Janine Heiner: Candidate for JD
degree, New College of California School of Law; graduate of Shasta College, Redding.
Credentials include, founder and editor-in-chief of New College of California Journal of
Public Interest Law; tutor, Legal Skills Resource Center; concessions coordinator for the
Gulf Coast Women's Festival staged to raise funds for the purchase of land which became
known as Camp Sister Spirit; Registration Center Manager, North East Women's Musical
Retreat; volunteer contributing writer, Amazon Times.
Tamiza Hockenhull: Candidate for
JD degree, Golden Gate University School of Law; graduate of University of California,
Berkeley. Credentials include, team member for the ABA's National Moot Court Competition
1998; with the San Francisco District Attorney's office, mediated disputes between
unsatisfied consumers and businesses; tutored students with special needs in the New Haven
Unified School District; mentor to African-American youth and work with the elderly.
Ina Holman: Candidate for JD
degree, New College of California School of Law; graduate of California State University,
Hayward. Credentials include serving as president of Creative Educational Consultants, a
nonprofit organization that provides supplemental hands-on curriculum emphasizing math and
science to minority students; volunteer tutor, Back on Track Afterschool Tutorial Program,
San Francisco; volunteer board member, Berkeley Art Center; volunteer board member, World
Affairs Council, Oakland Steering Committee.
Jinny Kim: Candidate for JD
degree, University of California, Davis School of Law; graduate of University of
California, Berkeley. Credentials include, intern at U.C. Davis Immigration Clinic;
volunteer for The Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Center, Woodland Hills; volunteer,
The Asian Law Caucas; legal assistant, Disability Rights Advocates, Oakland; research
editor, Journal of International Law and Policy.
Katrina McIntosh: Candidate for
JD degree, Stanford Law School; graduate, Wesleyan University. Credentials include her
service as a legal intern for Legal Services for Children; volunteer teacher to detained
youth at Santa Clara County Juvenile Detention Center; "Senior Friend" to a
10-year-old boy through Friends for Youth, Redwood City; advocate at East Palo Alto
Community Law Project working with displaced tenants resulting from a city redevelopment
Naomi Meyer: Candidate for JD
degree, Boalt School of Law; graduate of Harvard University. Credentials include, law
clerk with Berkeley Community Law Center providing free legal services to welfare
recipients, and serves as co-director of the Center's HIV & Homeless Outreach Project;
public policy intern, Corporation for Supportive Housing; volunteer tutor, Rockville
Jewish Community Center.
Laurie Mitchell: Candidate for JD
degree, San Joaquin College of Law; graduate of California State University, Fresno
(master's degree in criminology). Credentials include, vice-chairperson, Death Penalty
Focus, coordinating public education programs opposing the death penalty; mediator, Victim
Offender Reconciliation Program, facilitating meetings between crime victims and juvenile
Sue Park: Candidate for JD
degree, Boalt School of Law; graduate of University of California, San Diego. Credentials
include, law clerk for Lawyer's Committee for Civil Rights preparing legal memoranda on
issues such as race, immigration, affirmative action and poverty; law clerk, Mexican
American Legal Defense and Educational Fund; bilingual teacher, Teach for America at
Holmes Avenue Elementary School, Los Angeles; delegate, United Nations Fourth World
Conference on Women, NGO Forum, China.
Suma Peesapati: Candidate for JD
degree, University of California, Hastings College of Law; graduate of University of
California, Berkeley; and University Michel de Montaigne, France. Credentials include,
articles editor with the Hastings Women's Law Journal; legal intern with Communities for a
Better Environment; while with the Center on Race, Poverty, and the Environment, worked
with MAC, a Latino community to oppose the storage of toxics adjacent to an elementary
school, and met with the Timbisha Shoshone Tribe to assist in its struggle to preserve its
ancient burial sites near Death Valley; volunteer for hate crime hotline.
Selena Ong Poon: Candidate for JD
degree, Santa Clara University Law School; graduate of University of Cali-fornia, Santa
Cruz. Credentials include, intern with Asian Law Alliance, San Jose, providing direct
legal services to low-income Asian immigrants; counselor with South Bay Workers Rights
Clinic, San Jose; volunteer, Personal Management Association of Aztlan, promoting the
organization's mentorship program, services and fund-raisers; victim advocate, Women's
Crisis Support & Shelter Services, Santa Cruz.
Anthony Prince: Candidate for JD
degree, New College of California School of Law; graduate of Roosevelt University,
Chicago. Credentials include serving on Community Relations Commission, Education
Sub-Committee and Homeless Issues Task Force in Illinois; chaired the Plant Safety
Committee, United States Steelworkers Local #65, Chicago; chaired the South Chicago/South
Shore Neighborhood Forum; current member of "Voices for a New America,"
sponsored by People's Tribune Speakers Bureau, speaking in prisons, radio, and schools on
criminal justice and police accountability.
Melissa Scanlan: Candidate for JD
degree, Boalt School of Law; graduate of University of California, Berkeley. Credentials
include, pro bono legal researcher, Sierra Club; volunteer tutor, Quest, Washington, D.C.;
authored "The End of Welfare and Constitutional Protections for the Poor," 13
Berkeley Women's Law Journal; legal extern, National Resources Defense Council, San
Gail Silverstein: Candidate for
JD degree, Boalt School of Law; graduate of University of Michigan. Credentials include,
Prosser Prize recipient, International Human Rights 1997; board member, Berkeley Community
Law Center; law clerk, AIDS Legal Council of Chicago; law clerk and co-director of Law
Student Volunteer Opportunities, East Bay Sanctuary Covenant; volunteer, National
Organiza-tion for Women, Washington, D.C.
Lena Kae Sims: Candidate for JD
degree, University of California, Davis School of Law; graduate of California State
University, Sacramento. Credentials include, copy editor, Environs Journal of
Environmental Law and Policy; reading and writing instructor, Sacramento Job Corps; GED
instructor, California Conservation Corps; negotiator/organizer, California Federation of
Teachers, Local #4986.
Pamela Vincent: Candidate for JD
degree, San Francisco Law School; graduate of California State University, Hayward.
Credentials include, volunteer computer teacher at Clarendon Elementary School; volunteer
at Nihonmachi Little Friends Day Care Center; organized benefit concert for World Hunger
Campaign and managed petition drive for CalPIRG; through Crestline Community Mental Health
Association, created an independent school program for troubled teenagers as an
alternative to locked facilities.
Nicole Wesley: Candidate for JD
degree, University of California, Hastings College of Law; graduate of Grinnell College.
Credentials include work with the National Economic Development and Law Center; Chinatown
Community Development Center; American Civil Liberties Union; Iowa Civil Rights
Commission; and Project Los Amigos in Atandajua, Ecuador as a public health worker.
Wendi Wrinkle: Candidate for JD
degree, San Francisco Law School; graduate of Saint Mary's College of California.
Credentials include, lay volunteer for Missionaries of Charity, Lima, Peru, caring for
mentally and physically handicapped children at an orphanage established by Mother Teresa;
educated immigrants and delivered meals to homeless drug users and HIV-infected
prostitutes through Domestic Peace Corps at Highbridge Community Life Center, South Bronx,
New York; homeless advocate, People's Park, Berkeley.
Southern California
Elizabeth M. Brown: Candidate for
JD degree, California Western School of Law, San Diego; graduate of University of
California, Berkeley. Credentials include, president, Public Interest Law Foundation;
volunteer, Domestic Violence Clinic, San Diego; San Francisco court-appointed special
advocate, working with children taken from their homes and placed in foster care;
volunteer, Meals on Wheels (for AIDS patients).
Victoria Donovan: Candidate for
JD degree, University of California, Los Angeles School of Law; graduate of University of
Washington and San Diego State University. Credentials include, volunteer, Los Angeles
County Public Defender; volunteer, The Children's Alliance; crisis intervention and
counseling for homeless teens, University District Youth Center, Seattle; volunteer, Buddy
Program, AIDS Foundation of San Diego.
Mark T. Gardner: Candidate for JD
degree, California Western School of Law, San Diego; graduate of University of Maryland.
Credentials include, former law enforcement officer, City of Takoma Park, Md. (sergeant,
DARE officer, youth officer, patrol officer); nominated Officer of the Year 1990, 1991,
1992, 1993, 1994; Maryland's Governor's Award for Annual Adult/Youth Retreat, for the
education and reduction of kids in criminal activities; organized annual "COPS v.
KIDS" sports events and talent shows.
Kimberly Leone: Candidate for JD
degree, University of Southern California Law School; graduate of University of Southern
California. Credentials include, chairman, Project Pears, developed nonprofit organization
to assist economically disadvantaged high school juniors; Le Boeuf Scholar, taught
Constitutional law and legal concepts to seniors at Manual Arts High School; board member,
Pat McCormick Educational Foundation, tutoring high school students.
Nicole Quintana: Candidate for JD
degree, University of Southern Califor-nia Law School; graduate of University of
California, Davis. Credentials include, law clerk, Consumer Law Project for Public Counsel
Law Center, Los Angeles; volunteer advocate, Homeless Veterans and Homeless Legal Clinics;
president, Public Interest Law Foundation; La Raza Student Organization member; volunteer
teacher, street law, Public Interest High School Education Program.
Devon Reed: Candidate for JD
degree, California Western School of Law, San Diego; graduate of San Diego State
University. Credentials include, law clerk, California Indian Legal Services; family
advocate, Ahmium Education Inc., assisting in coordinating youth group events, education,
mentoring and tutoring; coordinator, American Indian Recruitment Program; teachers
assistant, Barona Culture Camp, teaching Indian youth.
Claudia Ramirez: Candidate for JD
degree, University of California, Los Angeles School of Law; graduate of Cornell
University. Credentials include, law clerk, Central American Resource Center; law clerk,
Los Angeles Center for Law and Justice; associate editor, The Chicano/Latino Law Review;
co-founder of Local Chapter, Sigma Lambda Upsilon/Senoritas Latinas Unidas Sorority.
Nicole Reyes: Candidate for JD
degree, University of California, Los Angeles School of Law; graduate of Brown University.
Credentials include, youth and Latino outreach, Democratic National Committee; program
administrator and teacher, Summerbridge Fort Worth and Summerbridge Kansas City; Women's
Group Sponsor, Barrios Unidos, a nonprofit organization that promotes gang redirection in
the Latino communities; policy intern, Rhode Island Campaign to Eliminate Childhood
Desiree Sagray: Candidate for JD
degree, University of Southern Califor-nia Law School; graduate of University of Southern
California. Credentials include, scribe, Antelope Valley College, taking and typing notes
for deaf students; volunteer, Mental Health Advocacy Services, Barristers Domes-tic
Violence Project.
Joel Spence: Candidate for JD
degree, Whittier Law School, Costa Mesa; graduate of University of Kansas. Credentials
include, volunteer, Human Resources Council of Orange County; law clerk, Legal Aid Society
of Orange County; president, Mercies Unlimited, Inc.; rehabilitation officer, Community
Development Programs.
Cindy Stoneberg: Candidate for JD
degree, University of San Diego School of Law; graduate of Indiana University. Credentials
include missionary work in Africa; chairperson of the board of directors, Pro Bono Legal
Advocates; agency intern, Environmental Health Coalition; mentor, working with youth on
the fringe, Garfield High School, San Diego.