California Women Lawyers will hold a statewide
conference July 29 in Los Angeles with more than 50 speakers who will address a series of
seminars dealing with a wide variety of current issues.
Conference 2000 will feature judges, elected officials, women lawyers
and other women prominent in their communities. Among the speakers are Assemblywoman
Sheila Kuehl, Sens. Dede Alpert and Martha Escutia, appellate court Justices Vaino Spencer
and Miriam Vogel, and U.S. District Court Judge Florence-Marie Cooper.
Topics under discussion at more than a dozen seminars include
juvenile justice, public policy, starting a law practice, foster care issues and what
its really like to be a judge.
The conference will run from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Los Ange-les
Athletic Club, 431 West 7th St.
Information is available from Judith Seeds Miller, 818/609-9268, ext.
118, or by calling the CWL office at 916/441-3703. |