International law will continue to play a key
role in ordering international affairs following the horrendous
terrorist attacks of Sept. 11. Arguably, it will have an even greater
role than before, because of the multi-national nature of the
terrorist threat, and the need for a cooperative response among
nations. President Bush's effort to build an international coalition
prior to the armed response against the Taliban - charged with
harboring Osama bin Laden - was a clear recognition of the need for
international cooperation. That cooperation is being built on a
framework of treaties and conventions already in place and the
established role of the United Nations.
As California lawyers, we generally find
ourselves advising business clients on international accords that
govern private matters, i.e. cross-border business transactions,
arbitration or litigation. But international agreements also create a
framework of "public international law" and establish
international organizations such as the United Nations that are
intended to order state-to-state relations.
The United States has asserted the principle of
self-defense to justify its use of force against the Taliban regime in
Afghanistan, implicitly invoking Article 51 of the United Nations
Charter, which recognizes "the inherent right of individual or
collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a Member of
the United Nations." Others argue that since bin Laden is an
individual, there is no armed conflict with any state and the concept
of self-defense is inapplicable.
Instead, the attacks should be governed by
international conventions reaching individuals, potentially including
the 1970 Hague Convention for the Suppression of the Unlawful Seizure
of Aircraft, and the 1999 U.N. International Convention for the
Suppression of Terrorist Bombings. These conventions would permit
proportionate countermeasures against states supporting the individual
terrorist, not including armed force.
My view is that, in light of the scope and
destructiveness of the terrorist attacks, and the evident
interrelation between bin Laden and the Taliban, the U.S. is justified
in asserting self-defense as a basis for the armed response against
the Taliban.
The U.S. considers that it was subject to an
armed attack. And the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
parties, through their invocation of Article 5 of the Treaty, have
concurred with the U.S. position. Article 5 provides that an "armed
attack against one or more of them . . . shall be considered an attack
against them all" and therefore each member, "in exercise of the
right of individual or collective self-defense recognized by Article
51" of the U.N. charter, will assist the attacked state, including
the use of armed force. The two U.N. Security Council resolutions in
response to the Sept. 11 attacks, Resolution 1368 (Sept. 12 -
condemnation of attacks) and Resolution 1373 (Sept. 28 - on
international cooperation to combat terrorism) also recognized the
right of self-defense.
But apart from my own views or the views of any
other commentator, the key issue here is that both the U.S. and its
critics are looking to international law as a basis for evaluating the
use of armed force. International law provides a framework for
justification, or denunciation, that carries substantial weight in
world opinion. International law also provides a framework for
cooperative international action. Such action will certainly be
necessary to deal with the issues that reverberate from the terrorist
attacks, including the critical refugee problems in Pakistan and Iran,
the need to control financing of terrorism, the threat of chemical and
biological attacks, and the nation-building that will be required if
the Taliban is overthrown. For all of these reasons, international law
will continue to play a critical ordering role among nations in the
post-Sept. 11 world.
John B. McNeece III is chair of the executive committee of the
State Bar's International Law Section. The views expressed are
solely those of the author and do not reflect the views of the
International Law Section or its executive committee. Mr. McNeece can
be reached at |