Election to fill bar board
seat ends Feb. 22
Feb. 22 is the last day to vote in a special
election to fill a vacancy on the State Bar Board of Governors in
District 3, which includes Alameda, Contra Costa, San Mateo and Santa
Clara counties. The candidates are: Carl A. Lindstrom Jr., a San Jose
sole practitioner; Tamara K. Lopez, Santa Clara deputy county counsel;
Tahir J. Naim, an attorney in the Palo Alto offices of Cooley Godward;
and Demetrius D. Shelton, an Oakland deputy city attorney. They are
vying to replace Erica Yew, who was appointed to the Santa Clara
County Superior Court.
Any active member of the State Bar in good
standing whose business address is in District 3 is eligible to vote.
Election information is available on the State Bar's web site, www.calbar.org.
For additional information, call Biljanna Sivanov at 415/538-2274.
Three positions are open on
rural legal assistance board
The State Bar of California is seeking
applications from attorneys interested in serving on the board of
directors of California Rural Legal Assistance (CRLA). Three two-year
positions are open. Deadline for receipt of applications is March 8.
CRLA's 45-member board meets four times a year
to make policy decisions governing the program's operations.
Interested attorneys should apply by letter,
listing the reasons they should be appointed. A resume outlining work
experience, community activity and educational background must be
included. The materials should be sent to Chris Zupanovich, State Bar
of California, 180 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA 94105; or chris.zupanovich@calsb.org.
Questions may be directed to 415/538- 2534.
Dues were due Feb. 1
California lawyers who missed the Feb. 1 deadline
to pay their bar dues have until March 15 to pay or be subject to a 10
percent penalty. After May 15, an additional 15 percent penalty is
Dues for most active attorneys for 2002 are $390
and for inactive attorneys are $50. Fee scaling also is available for
those who earn less than $40,000 a year from the practice of law.
Those earning under $25,000 may receive a 50 percent reduction in
their dues and those earning less than $40,000 may have the amount
reduced by 25 percent.
The fee statement also is available online this
year. Members needing a duplicate bill may print out their
personalized statement at www.calbar.org.
Questions about the bill may be directed to membership services at
Midyear meeting focuses on access and fairness
California Supreme Court Justice Carlos Moreno
and Detroit Mayor Dennis Archer will be the keynote speakers at next
month's State Bar Midyear Meeting, which will focus on improving
access and fairness in the legal profession and within bar leadership.
Entitled "Charting a Statewide Agenda: Diversity, Leadership &
Strategies for Success," the meeting offers up to eight hours of
MCLE credit.
The weekend meeting will be held March 15-17 at
the Renaissance Hotel in Sonoma. A list of complete course offerings
and registration information is available at www.calbar.org,
by calling the Office of Legal Services at 415/538-2143, or by e-mail
to Betty.Barker@calsb.org.
State Bar committee offers two
free MCLE seminars
In the interest of educating lawyers about ways
to avoid malpractice claims, the State Bar's Committee on
Professional Liability Insurance will provide two free MCLE seminars
next month.
"Risk Management Audits for Solo and Small
Practitioners" will be conducted by Anthony Davis, a nationally
known speaker on risk management. The six-hour course will be held at
the Hyatt San Jose on March 5 and at the Oakland Marriott March 6.
Pre-registration is required to guarantee seating. Check-in is at
11:30 a.m., and the course lasts from noon until 6:30 p.m.
The seminars are open to all attorneys at no
cost. Those wishing to attend should register in advance at www.kvi-calbar.com
or call 415/538-2201 for more information. Participants will receive
six hours of MCLE credit in ethics.
Fee arb training scheduled in
Santa Rosa March 7
Recent developments in fee arbitration will be
discussed at a training program in Santa Rosa sponsored by the State
Bar's Commit-tee on Mandatory Fee Arbitration. The free training
offers 2.75 hours of MCLE credit, including one hour of legal ethics.
The training is scheduled for March 7, from 3 - 6
p.m., in the offices of the Sonoma County Bar Association, 37 Old
Courthouse Square, Suite 100, Santa Rosa. It is for arbirators for the
Sonoma County bar as well as State Bar fee arbitrators.
Among the topics for discussion are how to write
an enforceable award, conflicts of interest, disclosure requirements
and how to control the proceeding.
To register, call the Sonoma County Bar
Association at 707/542-1190, or e-mail an RSVP to joyce@sonomacountybar.org,
indicating whether you are a current arbitrator. For more information,
call Jill Sperber, director of the State Bar Office of Mandatory Fee
Arbitration, at 415/538-2023.
Applicants sought for Judicial
Council, ABA House
The State Bar is seeking applicants for two
positions on the Judicial Council and for six appointments to the ABA
House of Delegates.
The Judicial Council appointments begin Sept. 15,
2002, and expire Sept. 14, 2005. Meetings are held six to seven times
a year; the annual time commitment is about 300 hours. Members are
reimbursed for travel. In making the appointments, the bar board of
governors will consider the applicants' leadership skills and
ability to effectively represent the lawyer perspective on the
The ABA delegates each serve a two-year term,
from Aug. 14, 2002, to Aug. 11, 2004. They are expected to attend two
meetings a year as well as participate in conference calls. They are
required to pay their own travel expenses. The board will consider
each applicant's participation in ABA activities, working knowledge
of the House of Delegates and understanding of current issues.
Deadline for applications for both groups is Feb.
Applications must be submitted to the State
Bar's Appointments Office, 180 Howard St., San Francisco 94105-1639,
or by fax, 415/538-2255. Further information is available by calling
'So You Want to Be a Judge'
seminar scheduled
Burt Pines, judicial appointments secretary to
Gov. Gray Davis, and Alameda County Superior Court Judge Brenda
Harbin-Forte will conduct a "So You Want to Be a Judge" seminar
for California Women Lawyers this month.
The session will address judicial selection and
elevation at the state and federal levels as well as the election
The morning workshop begins at 8 a.m. Feb. 23 at
the Radisson Hotel in Sacramento. To register, contact Glenda
Haggenmakker at 916/646-3114 or cwlsac@cwo.com.
'A Week in Legal London'
scheduled for June 23-28
The State Bar's Litigation Section is
sponsoring "A Week in Legal London" from June 23-28. The London
program offers an extraordinary opportunity to experience the inner
workings of the English legal system, expand litigation skills and
engage in thought-provoking discussion with members of the London
legal community.
Participants will attend sessions at the Royal
Courts of Justice, the Old Bailey, the High Court of Justice and the
Courts of Appeal. MCLE credit will be offered.
For additional information, contact the
Litigation Section at 415/538-2546. |