Foundation creates fund for
education projects
The Foundation of the State Bar of California has
created a dedicated fund which will provide to the State Bar a minimum
of $50,000 per year for three years for
the development of civic education programs.
Under a full partnership arrangement between the
bar and the foundation, the funds will be used by the Media &
Information Services office to develop a youth education project,
similar to the successful Kids & the Law - An A-to-Z Guide for
Parents, which was distributed to 500,000 students, teachers, parents
and lawyers in the past year.
The foundation contributed $40,000 in grant money
to fund the revision, publication and distribution of the Kids
The money also will be used to develop a Seniors
& the Law brochure as well as an adult education program.
Bar offers 18 consumer
information pamphlets
Eighteen consumer education pamphlets, dealing
with topics including rent, divorce, debts and domestic violence, are
available from the State Bar.
Twelve have been translated into Spanish, and all
18 are available in hard copy and are online at
A full listing and information about how to
obtain the pamphlets is available by calling the consumer education
pamphlet hotline: 415/538-2280. |