Six members of the oversight committee for the
State Bar's new Attorney Diversion and Assistance Program were
appointed by the board of governors last month.
They are: Kellie M. Condon, PhD., director of
chemical dependency treatment for the Veterans Affairs Medical Center
in Fresno; John H. Shale, M.D., J.D., medical director of the San
Diego County Adult Mental Health Services; Norman T. Reynolds, M.D., a
San Jose psychiatrist in private practice; David P. Dawson of San
Francisco, president of The Other Bar; Stewart Hsieh, a Los Angeles
attorney and former board member of the Medical Board of
California's diversion program; and Edwin Caldwell, a San Francisco
attorney in recovery since 1976 and a founder of The Other Bar. Their
terms run from one to three years.
Gov. Davis will appoint two lawyers and two
public members to the oversight committee, and the Senate Rules
Committee and the Speaker of the Assembly will name one member each.
Those appointments were expected shortly.
The diversion program, created under legislation
signed into law last year, was expected to get underway early this
month. Headquartered in Los Angeles, it is designed to help alcoholic
or drug-addicted attorneys become sober and avoid discipline by the
bar. About four in 10 attorney discipline cases involve alcohol or
drugs. |